Special Olympics Gold and Silver medalist Gary O’Sullivan recently visited Knocknagoshel National School on a special mission.
Knock 3K Initiative
He discussed his recent triumphs and, while there, he launched the school’s upcoming fitness and fundraiser ‘Knock 3K’ initiative.
“Children were fascinated to hear about Gary’s experience in Abu Dhabi and how he attended regular training camps in Dublin in the lead up to the games,” said event organiser and teacher, Kate McSweeney.
Recognised Gary from RTÉ News
“Of course, many children recognised Gary from his appearance on RTÉ news during the event and they were delighted to get a glimpse of the gold medal Gary won in the Shot Put and the silver medal from the 400m walk,” said Kate.
Busily Training
“Children in Knocknagoshel have, themselves, been busy training over the past few weeks. They set out on a fitness programme in March in the hopes that they’ll be fit and ready to tackle the 3k distance on Friday, June 7th.
“The walking jogging programme which they have undertaken has already seen massive boosts in fitness levels.
Physical and Mental Health
“We see many advantages in training together for this run. It’s a reason to get out in the fresh air for a short while each day, as well as improving children’s physical and mental health.
“Each child has been issued with a sponsorship card where people can support their efforts and raise money for the school.
Invitation to Join in the Fun
“Also we are looking for as many people as possible to join in the fun, anyone who wishes to run or walk the 3k can enter at the school on the morning of the race,” Ms. McSweeney concluded.
Entry Fee €5
The Knock 3k will start at 12pm on Friday June 7th and there is an entry fee of €5 per person.
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