Kerry County Council Arts Service, in collaboration with Cork County Council and Limerick County Council Arts Services is inviting people to attend a networking session on the Sliabh Luachra Music Trail on this Friday 12th April in the River Island Hotel, Castleisland at 7pm sharp.
‘The unique music style of Sliabh Luachra is an integral part of our cultural heritage. It is distinctive and remains part of our living culture,” said Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council, Cllr. Norma Foley.
Promoted and Accessible
Kerry County Council Arts Officer, Kate Kennelly said that her office is conscious of the tremendous work being done by local organisations to ensure Sliabh Luachra Music is promoted and accessible to musicians and the wider public alike.
Key Festivals and Events
“Like all great art, it continues to evolve through the people that play the music, those who mentor the next generations of musicians and the communities that invite us to share in the music during key festivals and events,” she said.
While Sliabh Luachra Musician in Residence, Eoin Stan O’Sullivan emphasised that musicians and festival organisers are central to ensuring this musical tradition flourishes today and into the future.
Integral Events
A number of Kerry festivals and events are integral to the Sliabh Luachra Music Trail, these include; The Con Curtin Music Festival, Brosna June 28th-July 1st, The Handed Down Series, Scartaglin, September to April allied to World Fiddle Day, Scartaglin May 17th-19th, the Toureencahill Summer School, July, and the Patrick O’Keeffe Traditional Music Festival, Castleisland, October Bank holiday weekend 25th-28th.
These events are supported by the local communities, the local authority and many other sponsors and supporters.
Project Aims
The aims of the Sliabh Luachra Music Trail Project, which sees the local authorities working with the Sliabh Luachra communities, are to: Celebrate and promote the region’s unique musical heritage
through documentation and the creation of an archive, contribute to the preservation of this unique style and repertoire.
Cultural and Creative Tourism
Develop increased opportunities for cultural and creative tourism.
Establish a local promoter’s network to encourage a joined-up approach to event promotion.
Develop an education programme to stimulate an interest in the performance of Sliabh Luachra music and an engagement with cultural heritage.
Music Trail Network
If you are interested in contributing to the Sliabh Luachra Music Trail Network meeting, 7pm at the River Island Hotel on Friday evening.
You will also have an opportunity to discuss the overall work and needs of the trail, the current contribution of the Sliabh Luachra Musician in Residence, Eoin Stan O’Sullivan and potential to grow awareness of this unique musical heritage please rsvp your attendance to arts@kerrycoco.ie. Teas and coffees will be served on arrival.
Eoin is available to meet with schools, groups and individuals regarding the active promotion of Sliabh Luachra Music and can be contacted with a click on the Email link here: eoin@eoinosullivan.net
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