Cara Credit Union is the focus of a brand new eight-part RTE One series titled The Borrowers, commencing on Tuesday April 16th at 8.30pm.
The fly-on-the-wall programme will take viewers behind the scenes and into a credit union loan office, for the first time ever on Irish television.
Real Credit Union Members
Viewers will see real Cara Credit Union members applying for loans and hear all of the unique reasons behind the loan applications. Cara Credit Union’s popular loan officers, Maurice O’Donoghue and Derry Fleming also feature prominently in the show.
Along with Cara Credit Union, the show also follows other borrower’s stories in Mullingar Credit Union, St Dominic Credit Union in Waterford and Heritage Credit Union in Dublin.
Ethos and Commitment
Looking forward to the programme, Pa Laide, CEO, Cara Credit Union said that all involved are excited about the programme and how it will showcase the ethos and commitment of Cara Credit Union to the local community.
“We’ll see how our loan officers go above and beyond every day to help our members achieve their dreams and goals,” said Mr. Laide.
Giving Nothing Away
“From christenings, to the first day at school, to buying that first car, to the dream wedding, to funerals, we are always here for our members every step of the way and it’s fantastic to see this highlighted in the series.
“Of course, as viewers will see, we are also open to the more unusual loan requests at Cara Credit Union, but I don’t want to give anything away!
Unforgettable Moments
“There are some unforgettable moments in the show courtesy of our loan officers, Maurice O’Donoghue and Derry Fleming.
“While our ‘borrowers’ are of course the stars of the show. Each of the eight episodes is at times heart-warming, entertaining and tear-jerking – viewers will not want to miss a moment.
Benefiting from Services
If anyone watching the show feels like they could benefit from our services at the credit union, I would encourage them to call into us at or contact us at Cara Credit Union in Tralee, Castleisland and Killorglin. The membership process couldn’t be easier, our friendly staff are also always available to talk through any questions you might have and you can even start the process online on our website www.caracreditunion.ie,” Mr. Laide concluded.
Alleycat Films
The series was filmed and produced by Alleycat Films, an award-winning documentary and television production company.
Director and executive producer with Alleycat Films, Des Henderson explained how the idea for the series came to him.
“The idea for this series first came to me when I was sitting across from a credit union loan officer in my local credit union and applying for a loan.
Your Life Story
“I realised that in that situation, you end up more or less telling the loan officer your life story and chatting about how your life is going. It struck me that this was something really unique, and I knew it would make for a great television series.
“I was also exited at the prospect that it would be the first time ever on Irish television that the public would get a peek into what could be considered the most secretive room in the country – the credit union loan office!
Proud of the Series
“I’m really proud of this series, and across each of the eight episodes, viewers will have the opportunity to hear the real-life reasons behind credit union loan applications, from family reunions, to new cars, houses, cosmetic procedures and more.
To quote one of the great loan officers in The Borrowers, ‘all of life is in the credit union’ and viewers will certainly get to see that in this series,” said Des.
Don’t miss The Borrowers, RTE One every Tuesday at 8.30pm, commencing on Tuesday April 16th.
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