Even before the clocks struck 11am today, the approach roads and streets around the town began to look as they should – if we lived in a society were everyone showed care and concern for the environment.
The good thing about today’s County Clean-Up is that there was a greater than ever turnout in the area – even if it was on a bitterly cold morning.
Mobilisation of Volunteers
The not-so-good point is that the need exists for such mobilisation of volunteers to clean up after those who treat the roadsides and streets as their personal dumping grounds.
Some of the litter pickers here were surprised at the amount of rubbish they found and picked up – while others were appalled at the state of the roadsides in particular.
Gives You Wings
Pickers in Cordal are convinced that someone in their community has wings.They collected a sack-full of Red Bull cans – empty cans – along a short stretch of roadway around the Ballinahalla area.
On the Scartaglin Road here in Castleisland there was a greater variety of drinks bottles and cans collected.
Delighted at the Turnout
Mary Walsh of the Castleisland Tidy Towns Committee was one of the volunteers out on the Scart Road and she expressed the delight of the committee at the turnout of help in the locality this morning.
Clearly Very Busy
Litter pickers on all the roads were clearly very busy as the heap of bags being deposited at the designated area at River View Place in Tonbwee grew ever higher as the day wore on.
Given the rate the Castleisland collection was growing at throughout the day it is likely that the 8,000 bags collected in 2018 by the 5,500 volunteers will be surpassed by today’s figures.
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