Kerry Sinn Féin Chairperson Tadhg Dennehy has paid tribute to Councillor Toiréasa Ferris following her announcement that she would be stepping down from Kerry County Council.
Cllr Ferris’ announcement comes on the back of her decision last June not to contest the next general election, following medical advice that she should slow down the pace of her life.
Leaving a Huge Gap
Mr. Dennehy said that both Kerry and Sinn Féin were losing one of the finest elected representatives the county has ever had and that she will leave a huge gap.
“I know this was an extremely difficult decision for Toiréasa to make but the party fully understands her reasons and respects her decision.
The Welfare of Others
“Toiréasa as a person and as an elected representative has always put the welfare of others first and it’s time she puts herself and her young family first.
“Kerry and Sinn Féin are losing someone with a special talent and I believe we are losing one of the finest elected representatives the county has ever had.
Finding a Replacement
Toiréasa has served the people of this county with integrity and can be proud of the work she has done over the past 16 years.
“It will be a huge gap for the party to fill but we will now take steps to find a replacement over the coming weeks. The party has democratic procedures to go through in these circumstances and we will now take the time to go through all of that,” Mr. Dennehy concluded.