Kerry County Council has launched a new campaign to promote awareness of the responsibilities of motorists approaching or driving past roadworks which are underway on the county’s roads.
Dangerous driving at roadworks where a one-lane system or diversions are in place can endanger the safety and lives of council staff or those contracted to carry out works on behalf of Kerry County Council.
Awareness Campaign
The awareness campaign is aimed at reminding motorists of the need to approach roadworks with care, to drive past roadworks slowly and carefully and to heed advisory signage and the presence of traffic cones at roadworks locations.
Safety Officer with Kerry County Council, Tim O’Sullivan said motorists should observe four simple principles when approaching roadworks: Adhere to the speed limit on display; follow the temporary road signage in place; stay alert for road workers and machinery; and keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front.
The Road is the Workplace
“At any given time, there are multiple road repair and maintenance works taking place around the county with varying numbers of workers at different locations.
To all intents and purposes, these working location constitute the workplace of those individuals and they are entitled to carry out their work in a safe environment.
“Part of ensuring that these workplaces are safe involves the cooperation of motorists. It is understandable that delays caused by roadworks can lead to frustration, but we are asking drivers to drive past roads workers as if they were family members. They might not be the driver’s family, but they are someone’s.
Breaking Red Lights
“A significant problem can be motorists breaking red lights at roadworks where temporary traffic lights are in place. This endangers the safety of the motorist themselves, other road-users and those working on the site and should never be done.
“With the patience and cooperation of all road-users, we can ensure that motorists and workers alike avoid accidents, injury or worse. So, our main message is: A line of cones won’t stop a speeding car, but you can,” he added.
The publicity campaign will take place on Kerry County Council’s social media accounts over the coming weeks.