The still forming group behind the amalgamation of former members of Castleisland and Killorglin golf clubs wish to update its potential members on the proposal to set up a new club to be based on the Killorglin course.
A deadline of April 19th – last Sunday, was set for expressions of interest.
“This first stage was to establish if there was sufficient interest in setting up a new club in the former Killorglin course,” said Owen Nolan – one of the Castleisland representatives on the organising committee.
Delighted at Expressions of Interest
“We’re delighted to inform you that 290 people have expressed an interest to date, which is away above our expectations,” said Owen.
“This level of interest is a very strong endorsement of the proposal and we have already started on the next phase as a result of this interest.
“An interim committee has been established which currently consists of six members from each of the former clubs.
Traditions of Both Clubs
“This interim committee has considered many suggestions for a name for the proposed new club and the most popular name was ‘The Maine Valley Members Golf Club’ and we felt this captured and encapsulated the area and traditions of both former clubs.
The interim committee believes that there is a basis for a very strong club which will survive long-term.
Discussions were held with Billy Dodd – theland owner and he is willing to offer a 10-year lease on terms which are extremely favourable.
Very Generous Offer
“We would like to thank Billy for this very generous offer. This will offer the new, proposed club stability over the next 10 years.
“The course is currently being maintained on a voluntary basis to ensure that it is in good shape for the proposed new club.
“We are now progressing at pace but we now need your expressions of interest to become a commitment in order to make further progress.
“The interm committee are therefore requesting those who expressed an interest to now commit. “We’re asking for a deposit of €100 to be paid before Friday, May 1st.
An Initial Payment
This deposit is guaranteed to be fully refunded in the unlikely event that the new golf club does not go ahead.
This €100 will be an initial payment on the subs for year one which will be for 12 months from the opening date rather than on a calendar year basis.
The opening date depends on the current situation surrounding Covid-19 and the length of time it will take to set up the new club.
Proposed Subscription Rates
The subscription rates, which will apply for 12 months from the opening date, will include Golf Union of Ireland fee, insurance is optional – the club will have public liability insurance.
Rates as Follows
Full members: €540; Distance members – greater than 120km from the course: €380;
Dual members: €250; Married Couple: €1,000; Seniors: €200 must be 60 years plus and a member of another club – Monday to Friday only.
Student: €90 – 18 to 23 years in full time education; Juniors: €70; Green fees – €35; Guest with member: €20.
Methods of Payment
“We would appreciate if you could arrange to make payment, by cheque or otherwise to: Maine Valley Members Golf Club, c/o Mr Owen Nolan, Ballinard, Cordal, Castleisland, Co. Kerry.
“Alternatively, please transfer €100 to the following Bank Account. A temporary account has been set up for this purpose until the Maine Valley Members Golf Club is established – and send a text to Owen Nolan at 087 3508268 confirming same.
NSC: 904130. Branch Address: Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. Account Number: 21338713
IBAN NO: IE47 BOFI 9041 3021 3387 13. BIC No: BOFIIE2D
A receipt will be issued for all payments.
Commitment Levels Awaited
“The next phase depends on whether the level of commitment is as high as the expressions of interest to date suggests.
“The interim committee will endeavour to have the new club established as quickly as possible and will update you regularly on progress.
“As you will appreciate, there is a large volume of work to be done in setting up a new golf club but we promise we will work tirelessly over the next few weeks to achieve this as soon as possible.
A Very Exciting Prospect
“We would like to reiterate that the proposed new club will not be set up unless it is on a strong footing and viable long-term – if the expression of interest translates into commitment, we are in no doubt that this will be the case.”
“There has been very positive media interest in this proposed new club and it is a very exciting prospect.
“Let’s all now work together to make the ‘Maine Valley Members Golf Club’ a reality,” said Mr. Nolan.