This week’s meeting of the members of the Municipal District of Castleisland Corca Dhuibhne will take place via MS Teams tomorrow, Wednesday, July 21st at 10.45am to consider the under mentioned items.
Notices of Motion for Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne Md July 21st, 2021
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: Following the construction of the new school in Knocknagoshel, is it correct to say that the ownership of the former school will transfer to Kerry County Council ownership, if so, we must ensure that proper planning goes into the future development of this site as it cannot be allowed fall into disrepair as a prime site in the village of Knocknagoshel.
Cllr. Bobby O’Connell: That Kerry County Council contact artists locally and nationally to decorate ESB boxes and other such structures in Castleisland as they can be very unsightly.
Cllr. Seamus Cosai Fitzgerald: Has Kerry County Council any update on the development of Motor home/ Camper van sites in the Corca Dhuibhne Municipal Area?
Cllr. FionnánFitzgerald: Can Kerry County Council identify a location to house the Con Houlihan collection of books and artefacts along with other items that highlight the story and uniqueness of Castleisland in order to create a visitor centre to celebrate our culture and attract tourists to the area.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: That this MD write to Minister Darragh O’Brien requesting emergency funding for the replacement of the trunk main in Farranfore Village and stress the urgency of this matter.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: An Cnoc a Run Estate, Scartaglin has a number of issues that need resolving: The footpath at the top of the estate that leads out onto the main road, closest to the bank of the adjoining property is cracked, subsiding and very dangerous, this footpath will fall into the front yard of the house below unless fixed, in reality a retaining wall needs to be put in place to hold up the footpath. The gully system in the estate needs to be cleared out fully, the gullies at the very bottom of the estate are full to the brim. The bio cycle at the bottom of the estate is smelling badly at present and may need to be emptied.
Cllr. Seamus Cosai Fitzgerald:: An feidir lean Comhairle obair a dheanamh ar an seanreilig i gCill Chuain, Baile na nGall, le do thoil? Can the Council do maintenance work on the old graveyard at Kilquane, Ballydavid?
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: Has Kerry County Council any update in relation to the driveway into a social house at Lyreacrompane which I raised with The Housing Section earlier this summer. ·
Cllr. Michael O’Shea: To ask Kerry County Council Housing Department, to replace the mobile home for [Details with Directorate] as it is no longer habitable.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: When will the Kerry County Council owned house in An Cnoicfn, Knocknagoshel, be repaired and sent for allocation, as it has been vacant for some time.
Cllr. Seamus Cosai Fitzgerald: Despite past assurances, how come the house at 35 The Grove, Dingle still remains unoccupied and is badly in need of repair.
Cllr. Michael O’Shea: To ask Kerry County Council Housing Department when repairs will start at the property of [Details with Directorate]. There has been water pouring in under the roof barge for the last 12 months despite several attempts by me to get this rectified.
Cllr. Bobby O’Connell: That Kerry County Council install Big Belly bins in Castleisland town with a view to rolling them out countywide.
Cllr. Seamus Cosai Fitzgerald: Will Kerry County Council include the Coum Ga section on the long road west of Dingle town when spraying the Japanese Knot weed later in the year? Because material was deposited here in years past this invasive weed has spread into private property nearby.
Cllr. Seamus Cosai Fitzgerald: An ndeanfaidh an Comhairle Contae an gaineamh ata caite isteach aige an taoide timpeall ar che Baile na nGall a th6gaint?
Cllr. Seamus Cosai Fitzgerald: An ndeanfaidh an Comhairle spas oscaile poiblf a fhorbairt i mBaile an Fheirtearaigh?
Cllr. Seamus Cosai Fitzgerald: An ndeanfaidh an Comhairle cosan siu16ide a fhorbairt idir Eastat Ard na Sf agus Scoil Naomh Eoin Baiste i Liosp6il?
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: Can Kerry County Council look at the possibility of making Old Chapel Lane a one-way street for health and safety reasons.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: I am asking Kerry County Council to introduce traffic calming ramps along Barrack Street, Castleisland or else look at the possibility of making it a one-way street.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: I am calling on Kerry County Council to purchase a small road sweeper for the Castleisland Electoral area. We are the only electoral area without our own sweeper which is so badly needed.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: I am calling on Kerry County Council to ensure the roadside hedges belonging to Kerry County council on the L2017 are cut in September when the season opens.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: I am calling on Kerry County Council to repair the surface on the short stretch of public road L 10696 Ahaneboy, Castleisland outside [Details with Directorate]. I have been promised repeatedly over the past 18 months that this repair job will be carried out, but all promises have failed to materialise.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: The top of the junction to the left of Anabla National School coming onto the L3009 is in very bad repair, the markings have worn off and the surface is very poor and needs repair. This is a very busy link road with a lot of traffic.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: That the grass and hedge be cut back at Knockeen West Cross where the L2020 joins the N21, visibility is very poor and results in cars having to go beyond the ‘Stop’ marking to see out, some locals have cut it back a bit, but, in the interest road safety a proper job needs to be done at this junction.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: With the proposed bypassing of Farranfore in the near future becoming a likelihood, can Kerry County Council ensure that Japanese Knotweed in under control in the area before roads and their borders are tampered with which only makes the problem of Japanese Knotweed worse.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: That the Office of this Municipal District contact Bus Éireann with a view to erecting a proper bus shelter at Farranfore in the interim period. And also as a matter of priority take the opportunity afforded by the bypassing of Farranfore to place a bus stop near or adjacent to Farranfore Airport as it makes no sense for a tourist to have to walk from the airport to the village of Farranfore and stand at the side of an open road exposed to the elements waiting for a bus whose timetable is not coordinated with rail or flight timetables.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: Can signs highlighting ‘Ballyfinnane National School’ be erected upon coming to the school from either direction along the L-5017-19.
Cllr. Michael O’Shea: To ask Kerry County Council and Til to facilitate a roundabout at Brackhill, Castlemaine, where the N70 meets the R561 in view of the possibility of the Milltown Bypass.
Cllr. Michael O’Shea: To ask Kerry County Council to do a proper clean-up of Milltown Village.
Cllr. Michael O’Shea: To ask Kerry County Council and Til to put in place a Traffic Calming System at Inch between the Church and Inch Strand, due to the extremely high volume of traffic.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:To ask Kerry County Council Water Services Department to extend the sewage scheme at Ballinaboula by approximately 40 meters in order to facilitate and include six additional houses.
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: Go ndeanfaidh Ceantar Bardasach Oilean Ciarrai-Corca Dhuibhne gach iarracht obair le NTA chun Stadanna Bus ceart a chur ar fail i gCorca Dhuibhne agus ta said inrochtana do gach duine.
That the Castleisland-Corca Dhuibhne Municipal District work with the NT A to ensure that proper Bus Stops be provided throughout Corea Dhuibhne that are accessible to all.
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD put a footpath going from the housing estate at Ard na Si, Garrynadur, Lispole to Lispole NS (the housing estate up from Lispole NS).
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD widen the road above Lispole Sports field, as when there’s something on at the Lispole Sports field there’s always traffic problems here.
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD make every effort to provide car park spaces in the Maharees and to provide an update on same.
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD make every effort to provide car park spaces in Inch and to provide an update on same.
Cllr. Seamus Cosai Fitzgerald: Has Kerry County Council any update on the proposal to develop a car park at the rear of Main Street in Dingle Town?
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: Why have repairs to the pedestrian light covers on Main Street Castleisland not been replaced, as per the undertaking that was given to me in my February motions?
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: What was the outcome of my February request to have the L2032 Pike /Glountane road included in the salting route during spells of heavy frost and snow.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: That the grass at the Glounsharoon Viewing area be cut and maintained fully until such time the area is being developed.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: That a cycling repair station be installed in Glounsharoon and in other cycling hot-spots in the Castleisland LEA, these have proved very popular after being rolled out by Cork County Council.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: That road repair works be carried out on the L 10669 Ballydwyer, Ballymacelligott.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae: When will a full parking review of Castleisland Town be carried out?
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: Can the bridge on the L-6657-0 above 0’Brennan’s School be painted white. It is on a bad bend and parts of it used to be painted white in order to highlight a bridge on a bend especially during the winter months.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: Can a new and possibly larger sign for ‘St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher’ be erected at Ballydwyer Cross?
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: Can the Japanese Knotweed along the L-2015 approximately 4 Kilometres from the Roundabout with the Tralee Bypass be treated at the proper time this year.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald: At the junction of the L-2030 and the L-2032 lorries and vehicles coming from Brosna turning left or vehicles turning right coming from Corda! can damage the grass margin or verge. Can this verge be protected in some way as to remove this hazard?
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly: To ask Kerry County Council to investigate the possibility of establishing a Greenway between Castleisland and Corca Dhuibhne, utilising the banks of the River Maine and the old railway track, linking to the new N86 route that will, when complete, accommodate a cycle lane from Dingle to Camp.
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: To ask Kerry County Council Roads Department when will the traffic calming system be put in place in Lispole – between the church and the shop.
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: Can the Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD contact An Post to ask for a large version of the recently launched stamp honouring Kerry’s Tom Crean who is among eight Irish Antarctic explorers commemorated in four new stamps by An Post, and that this version would be displayed in Annascaul Village.
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: When will projects under Councillors Allocation be completed this year?
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: Can the drains along The Mall, Dingle be cleared as they are blocked and full of weeds?
Cllr. Breanndan Fitzgerald: When will the old water pump that used to be, beside the Holy Stone on Goat Street, Dingle be returned?
Any Other Business
Cllr. Michael O’Shea: To ask Kerry County Council what action can farmers who have lands bordering the Sliabh Mish Mountains, take to stop the influx of wild goats at the butt of the mountains that are destroying their vegetable gardens and green pastures.
Correspondence on Dog Walking
Reply from the Department of Rural and Community Development in relation to the annual Dog License, that the license specifically states that it prohibits the use of hill-walking as an exercise destination – arising from the March 2021 MD meeting.
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