Sinn Féin TD for Kerry, Pa Daly, has called on government to reverse its plans for the new Regional Employment Service.
Teachta Daly said that he supports North, East, and West Kerry Development (NEWKD) and South Kerry Development Partnership (SKDP) criticism of the government proposal to replace their employment services.
Request for Tender Mode
“Replacement of these organisations by a privatised ‘request for tender’ model could endanger schemes such as the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP) and Community Employment (CE) schemes which do such great work around the county.
“Privatisation does not work in health or housing, and it will not work here. This ideologically driven move, and the rules involved, are very difficult to comprehend from a practical point of view.
Job Losses in NEWKD
“It will lead to job losses in NEWKD and SKDP who have helped thousands of Kerry people after the financial crash and continue to progress others into employment. The people of North, South, East and West Kerry will be deprived of a walk-in, person-centred and community-based employment service replaced by a profit driven process.
“The new system will be dependent on referrals from the Department of Social protection which has not, in the past, delivered sufficient numbers to employment services,” said Teachta Daly.
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