Presentation Secondary School, Castleisland celebrated once again as the Leaving Certificate calculated results were presented to the class of 2021.
The Presentation girls received excellent results. One student, Siobhán Brosnan, achieved top marks of 625 points.
Siobhán, from Currow is daughter of Gretta Tarrant and J.J. Brosnan.
Wide Range of Interests
A talented student with a wide range of interests, Siobhán has secured her first choice to study philosophy, political science, economics and sociology in Trinity College, Dublin.
Overall, 63% of the Leaving Cert class achieved 400 points or greater, with 29% achieving greater
than 500 points and 5% achieving 600 points or more.
Minister Sharing in Joy
The Leaving Cert students of 2021 were honoured to have Minister Norma Foley visit the school and share their absolute joy and contentment with the high grades achieved in what was an undoubtedly challenging school year.
Speaking at the school, Minister Foley congratulated the Leaving Certificate students of 2021 for the resilience and leadership they showed throughout the last eighteen months.
Delighted with Success
Principal, Katherina Broderick congratulated the Leaving Cert class on their achievements.
“We are delighted with the success of our Leaving Cert class, and I wish each one of them well as they take up their many different and exciting courses of study.
All in Presentation Secondary School are delighted for the class of ‘21 and wish them continued success in the next phase of their lives” she said.
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