The Padre Pio season of devotions on the third Tuesday evening of each month, from here to the summer 2022 break, will resume this Tuesday evening, September 21st at 7:30pm.
The devotions will resume, as they left off before the summer, with Fr. Mossie Brick conducting the evening without a congregation for now.
The witness on the first evening will be John Greene, formerly of Radio Kerry.

Mr. Greene will speak on the theme: ‘Tackling depression and how God works in mysterious ways.’
‘Wearing the Geansai’ is more than just a great and regular saying of Fr. Mossie Brick’s.
To him it’s a way of life as he proved again at the weekend that you can take the man from Kilmoyley but you can’t take Kilmoyley from the man.
His beloved team and native parish won its 26th Kerry senior hurling championship title at Austin Stack Park over nearest neighbour, St. Brendan’s of Ardfert on Sunday.
It was a significant win as it put Fr. Brick’s home club on top of the Kerry roll of honour with 26 titles.
Imagine all the broken dreams, fingers, ribs, teeth and wrists in the compilation of that list of titles. Congratulations Kilmoyley and Fr. Brick and here’s to the three-in-a row in 2022.
You can tune into the Padre Pio devotions this evening with a click on the live-streaming service here: https://www.churchservices.tv/castleisland
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