Breandán Fitzgerald Elected Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council

Príomhoifigeach nua Comhairle Contae Chiarraί, Martin O’Donoghue (ar chlé) agus an Cathaoirleach nua Breandán Fitzgerald, MCC, Corca Dhuibhne ag an chéad chruinniú an chomhairle nua níos luaithe inniu.

Fianna Fáil county councillor, Breandán Fitzgerald, has been elected Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council at its Annual Meeting at County Buildings in Tralee today.

Cllr Fitzgerald, who has been a member of Kerry County Council since 2019, represents the Local Electoral Area of Corca Dhuibhne.

A native of Dingle and a native Irish speaker, the 50-year-old is a full-time public representative with a background in tourism.

Responding to his election Cllr. Fitzgerald paid tribute to the colleagues and friends who put him in the position.

“It is an enormous honour to be elected Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council and I am grateful to my colleagues for selecting me for this important role. It is a privilege to be the first citizen of this wonderful county.

‘My focus in the year ahead will be on promoting the county nationally and internationally, securing increased investment for the county, and enhancing the facilities and services which Kerry County Council provides to the people of Kerry.

Common Goals to Achieve

I look forward to working closely with Council management and with communities across Kerry to achieve our common goals,’ said Cathaoirleach Fitzgerald.

Cllr Fitzgerald follows in the footsteps of his late father and former Fianna Fáil senator, Tom Fitzgerald, who was Chairperson of Kerry County Council in 1979-1980.

Gealltanas Déanta ár dTeanga Dhúchais a Úsáid

“Comhairleoirí, Príomhoifigeach, Stiúrthóirí, Seanadóir, Teachtaí Dála, Aire Foley agus Dhaoine Uaisle:

Lá ana speisialta é seo domsa, bhí mo athair Tom Fitzgerald tofa mar Cathaoirleach ar Chomhairle Chontae Chiarraí daichead a cúig bliana ó shin i 1979 agus táim fíor bhuíoch do gach Comhairleoir a thug tacaíocht dom chun bheith mar bhur Chathaoirleach anois i 2024. Go raibh míle maith agaibh.

Fuair mé tacaíocht ó Mhuintir Corca Dhuibhne agus thug siad an deis seo domsa a bheith anseo mar Comhairleoir agus táim fíor bhuíoch as sin. Go raibh míle maith agaibh.

Táim fíor bhuíoch do mo chara agus Iarr-Comhairleoir Breandán Mac Gearailt, mo Fhoireann feachtas, mo chlann agus go mór mór mo aintín agus m’uncail, Deborah agus John Joe Dorgan ó Lios Póil baile duchais mo athair, agus mo mháthair, Bridie Dowd ó Bhaile an Lochaigh i Paróiste Mórdhach.

Guím gach rath ar gach Chomhairleoir anseo, bfhéidir go bhfuil muid ó páirtithe polaitíochta difriúla nó neamhspleách ach tá ár anam agus corp sa timpeallacht seo agus ní deineann sé aon difríocht cén polatíocht atá againn táimid anseo chun obair ar shon muintir na ríochta i gconaí.

Ag Úsáid ár dTeanga Dhúchais

Bfhéidir go bhfuil sibhse ag smaoineamh cád atá a rá agam, nó cen fáth a bhfuil mé ag caint as Gaeilge ach thug mé gealltanas é seo a dhéanamh agus gach seans atá agam beidh mé ag úsáid ár dteanga dhúchais.

Iarraim ar gach duine agaibh sa seomra seo do ndhícheall a dhéanamh agus ár teanga féin a úsáid, mar tá sé tábhachtach agus bhí an cheart ag An Phiarsaigh, nuair a dúirt sé ‘Tír gan Teanga, Tír gan Anam’, mar sin ‘labhair í agus mairfidh sí’.

Opportunity to Make a Difference

We here have a wonderful opportunity to make a difference and working together I believe we can improve the lives of all those who live and work in this magnificent County of Kerry.

Kerry people have put their trust in us and it is up to us here to repay that trust by helping to provide options and opportunities for all those people who call the Kingdom their home.

My father always maintained a seat is what you make it and I will be taking this opportunity as Cathaoirleach to continue to prioritise the delivery of social housing throughout the County and to begin the delivery of affordable housing throughout the county.

If we are unable to provide social and affordable housing then we must allow people themselves permission to build a home or provide serviced sites for them to do so. Every option must be explored.

Major Road Projects

Access to the county is vital and all of the major road projects that will benefit locals and visitors alike must be continued and delivered on time. Major road projects like the N86 Tralee Dingle Scheme must be completed. This Council fought a long and hard battle to allow this project to proceed and it is time that the Minister, Department and TII fulfil their obligations by allocating the appropriate funding to complete this project along with the last phase of the Dingle Inner Relief Road.

Now with the opportunities that the creation of the newest National Park in the country, Páirc Náisiúnta na Mara Ciarraí provides us with, it is vital that the N86 Tralee Dingle Scheme be completed. We also have an opportunity to link all of our Greenways up to our two National Parks and a plan for this should be developed that incorporates all our Municipal Districts.

Small to Medium Sized Businesses

We need to continue to support and develop our homegrown small to medium sized businesses while continuing to attract more foreign direct investment into the county.

Kerry Airport gives us a great advantage and we also have Cork and Shannon very close by for tourists and businesses alike. Kerry is open for business.

Our farmers and fishermen must be supported, and we must do everything to continue to develop our piers and harbours while protecting our coastline and safeguarding our Blue Flag and Green Coast Beaches.

National Centre for Marina Tourism

We have the opportunity to become the National Centre for Marina tourism, and this could provide much needed opportunities for our farmers and fishermen in these changing times.

We must try to make these Chambers more relevant, and I propose that we should invite all schools in Kerry who have Transition Year Students to visit Áras an Chontae. I’m very proud to be a part of Kerry County Council as an elected member and I’m even prouder of the wonderful work that each and every member of staff at Kerry County Council does.

Fair Play to Everyone

I will give fair play to everyone and all that I ask is that everyone gives fair play to one another in these chambers. We must always strive to repay the trust that has been given us and we must also respect each other even when we have different points of view and opinions. Working together we can improve the lives of all those people who live and work in this wonderful County of Kerry that we call home.

Bain Úsáid as do Chúpla Focal

Remember if you want to get more time to speak bain úsáid as do chúpla focal.

Gúim gach rath ortsa Príomhoifigeach Martin O’Donoghue agus ar fhoireann iomlán Comhairle Contae Chiarraί agus do gach Comhairleoir atá tofa. Beir bua agus beannacht!

Tá a dhotaint ráite agam anois mar tá a lán obair le déanamh againn agus mar a deireann said, ‘tús maith, leath na hoibre; so ba ceart duinn tús a dhéanamh ar an obair sin.

Go raibh míle agaibh.

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