Health & Wellbeing with Eileen Lane

Eileen Lane can be contacted on 087 3950063 or by email on Or Simply click on her advert on the side of this page for more information.
Eileen Lane can be contacted on 087 3950063 or by email on Or simply click on her advert on the side of this page for more information.

Greetings Maine Valley Post Readers! It was 2013 when I last wrote for you so a very belated Happy and Healthy New Year to you all! January has possibly been filled with enthusiasm for weight loss, healthy eating and new regimes in general. However, as we all know New Year Resolutions can sometimes dwindle leaving you disheartened and looking for some guidance. Here are a few tips to kick off Spring and hopefully get you on a healthy road.

Water – water water water! The more the better! Aim for 2 litres spaced out over the day. Choose regular still. Flavour with fruit slices or juice (not from concentrate) if you need to jazz it up. Water helps to flush out toxins and helps combat water retention; therefore assisting with weight loss. Every system of the body requires water to function properly. Also save a tonne of money by swapping the sugar-laden fizzy drinks for plain, simple water.

Eat Clean – Include as many varieties of vegetables as you can. The more colour the better as this ensures a good intake of vitamins and minerals naturally. Vegetables are nature’s natural antibiotic so try to include some in every meal. Snack on fruit as this also guarantees a good intake of vitamins and minerals. Small oranges (clementines, satsumas) are a great source of vitamin C which will help the body in warding off unwanted colds and sniffles.

Limit Processed Foods – Processed foods are full of fake ingredients and trans fats which are harmful to the body. Give your liver a break and try avoiding processed foods for a while. Monitor how you feel….much better I bet! Try to create meals from fresh and experiment with recipes.

Eat Good Fats! Good Fats (Omega 3, 6 and 9) are essential for the body to function properly and to keep your heart healthy. Good fats also boost the body’s ability to burn fat. Sources include oily fish, flaxseed, seeds, olive oil.

Eat Little & Often – the saying is ‘Graze Don’t Gorge’ – eat little and often to ensure a more stable blood sugar level and to ward off cravings and hunger.

Alcohol – If you are on a health kick, try ditching alcohol for a few weeks and notice your energy levels and weight. Alcohol is empty calories so saying ‘no’ to it for a few weeks will do your waist line a favour!

Exercise – Exercise is vital for health and wellbeing. If you haven’t exercised in a while, aim for 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Increase frequency and intensity with time. If you are very new to exercise, always contact your GP to discuss.

Confidential one-to-one appointments are available with Eileen Lane – Nutrition Advisor at Feale Fit, Mountmahon, Abbeyfeale or at All Therapy Centre, Rock St., Tralee. She can be contacted on 087 3950063 or by email on Or Simply click on her advert on the side of this page for more information.

The advice of a Nutrition Advisor does not replace that of a G.P or other healthcare practitioner.