A reminder that Mary Kerin will give a talk at An Riocht AC on this Thursday evening, April 24th at 7.30pm.
The Castleisland native will be giving lots of tips on ‘Fuelling Your Sport – The Importance & Practice of Good Nutrition’
“Like so many other things in our lives, I believe that health is about balance – between work and play / dieting and overeating / exercise and relaxation etc. It is about supporting the body in maintaining health and as much as possible avoiding adding to the workload of the body systems.
Experiences, varying from mildly / exceptionally positive ones using a complementary approach … to disturbing / disillusioning / bewildering experiences based on conventional medical treatment, have progressively reinforced my interest and belief in the use of complementary medicine in maintaining health.” – Mary Kerin.
For more on Mary Kerin see: www.marykerin.net
You’re advised to register beforehand – but pay at the door on the evening of the talk – Cost €10. To register call: 066 71 42199