An Riocht Athletic Club founder member and driving force, Joe Walsh issued an appeal last month for support for the club’s ‘Road To Rio Golf Classic’ on Wednesday June 11th at the Castleisland Golf Club. As part of the invitation he also promised that they had a great day planned. There is a fundamental goal behind the event and others of its ilk.
An Ríocht currently has two national champions whose dreams of participating in the Olympics are now well within their sights.
“With two of our club athletes on the brink of international success it would be against our philosophy at An Ríocht to allow them fall through the cracks of a flawed system,” said Mr. Walsh.

“As these athletes compete year in year out for our club, it is our responsibility to do our utmost to ensure that their talent is nurtured correctly, that they can train efficiently and to the best of their abilities and be given every opportunity to be the best that they can be.
With that we launch the An Ríocht- Road to Rio project, a high performance funding for our club athletes who are competing in elite circles and who we feel can continue to do so,”
The big event is in the door to us and is on the coming Wednesday, June 11-2014 at Castleisland Golf Club. If Joe Walsh says it’s going to be ‘a great day’ – you’d better believe it.
Joe Walsh can be contacted on 087-9088687 or 066-71 41633.Castleisland Golf Club’s contact is 066 71 41709.