A day-long course covering all aspects of Level 2 Food Safety and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) will take place at Kitchen Incubators Kerry, Farranfore on February 11th 2015.
The course will run from 9am to 5pm and is free of charge to job-seekers.
“This is a great opportunity for any Job-seekers wanting to work in the food sector ,” said Hazel O’Malley of the facilitators, North & East Kerry Development.
“The course covers ten modules on food safety including an introduction to HACCP. At the end of the course there is a theory exam paper. The aim of this course is as follows: To increase employment prospects within the food sector by providing certified training; To provide workers with an in-depth knowledge of food safety and HACCP and to allow food workers to safely work within a kitchen,” said Ms. O’Malley
Level 2 Training is the legal requirement for all food operatives and must be completed every five years.
Learners will be required to sit a short theory examination and successful candidates will be issued with a certificate from the Food Safety Professionals Association.
For more information you’re invited to ring: 066 71 80190
In the meantime: job-seekers may like to have a look and the video of a young man who had been looking for work and how his encounter with the Tralee Local Employment Services turned his life and his outlook around.
Tralee LES client, Paul Horan , had been out of work for four years and his journey to employment began and was supported by Tralee LES.
If you need further info on this or the services provided by LES please feel free to contact Tralee LES Manager Elaine McKenna on 066 712 9675.