A heavy fall of snow on high ground, coupled with icy conditions around Castleisland has left the Glounsharoon / Mein area of the Castleisland to Headley’s Bridge Road in a ‘lethal condition.’ According to a motorist who has just witnessed a jeep leaving the road in the area, conditions there are only fit for crawling and he asked that the message be passed on.
He believes that nobody was injured in the incident but he wanted to sound a warning to people who may be travelling in that direction for the rest of the morning.
The Met Éireann forecast for the Munster area shows an improvement on the way. This was updated at 06:00 this morning.
A cold, frosty, icy start, with some wintry showers in places this morning. Some bright or short sunny spells developing later this morning, with the showers more likely to be of rain and hail as the afternoon progresses. Top afternoon temperatures 5 to 7 C.
Cold and breezy tonight, with clear spells and scattered rain or hail showers. Lowest temperatures -1 to plus 1 C., with frost and icy stretches on roads.
A cold, frosty start, but the afternoon will see temperatures climb to 7 or 8 C. Bright or sunny spells are expected in the morning, with just the odd rain or hail shower. More cloud in the afternoon, with some drizzle and mist developing along Atlantic coasts.