Hunt Ball Brings the Season to a Close

The recent Kerry County Hunt Ball at the River Island Hotel in Castleisland brought the 2014 / 15 season to a close for horses and riders.
“This was a fantastic night and it brought an extremely successful season for the club, ” said club PRO Rose Cotter.
“The ball was attended by riders, members and followers and up to 167 sat down to what was a spectacular meal served by very attentive staff of the hotel. The music was supplied by the very lively Kelts and disco by our very own, crazy Corkman KC – Kevin Culloty who played into the early hours.
It was a sight to see all in their glitz and glamour and dickie bows and a big change from for our usual Sunday attire of jodhpurs, boots , wellies and mud. The hunt ball made for a great family night of all ages,” said Rose.
” We at Kerry County Hunt Club would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the businesses and  individuals for the many spot-prizes we got to give out on the night. We’re very thankful to the land owners who allowed us to use their land in the course of the season.  Without them it would be impossible for us to conduct our activities.  We’re very grateful to those who opened and organised hunts and to  all who supplied us with food along with all the bakers and the pub owners who hosted us on the various Sunday hunts.
We would also like to thank  the numerous followers who came to hunts every Sunday throughout the season in wet cold weather. They came out  and showed their support for us. These people add to the crack and madness each week. We will see you all again next season and have a safe and enjoyable summer from all the committee of the Kerry County Hunt Club,” Rose concluded.