The almost 120 Daffodil Day collectors managed to turn in the fine total of €9,248 for their day’s work on the doorways and streets of Castleisland on Friday, March 27th.
Castleisland Community College students joined in the campaign as they have been doing for the past decade or so.
“They’re a credit to their school and to their parents and they were really so nice to the people they encountered on the street,” said local organiser, Marie Walsh.
“People were amazing, so eager to offer help on the day. They, and the local school-children, brought in fresh Daffodils and donated so generously and we were greatly helped by the beautiful weather conditions on the day,” said Ms. Walsh.
Daffodil Day is the biggest and longest running fundraising day for the Irish Cancer Society – Ireland’s national cancer charity.
On Daffodil Day thousands of volunteers around Ireland sell daffodil pins and flowers on streets, in businesses, homes and shopping centres to raise money for the society’s free, nationwide services for those with and affected by cancer in Ireland.