The people of Castleisland and its hinterland have been taking the RTÉ Operation Transformation Million Pound Challenge seriously since it was announced last month.
That’s probably not true at all as Christmas and the New Year and Small Christmas have all been dropping in and trampling brave efforts and good intentions into the ground.
But it’s getting really serious now and excuses are part of the past in this monumental battle of the bulge.
Regular readers here will know that two local pharmacies have stepped in and made their premises available on Saturday’s from 11am to help facilitate the Operation Transformation team’s target of getting Ireland to shed a Million Pounds in the next 12 months.
Steady Progress
Both, Aileen Lynch and Jack Shanahan have reported steady progress from their Lynch’s Pharmacy at Lower Main Street and Haven Pharmacy in the Garvey’s SuperValu complex on Church Street.
Between them, or more correctly, between their customers/clients, they have reported a weight loss of 44 pounds. Lynch’s are tipping the scales with a two-pound lead at this early stage with many people yet to do their second weigh-in.
The Million Pound Challenge may have started a couple of weeks ago but there’s no limit to when people can begin their challenge and lend their weight-loss to the overall tally.
Your great efforts must be officially recorded and that will be done at either of the pharmacies mentioned on any Saturday morning from 11am.
As a bonus for trying you’ll get advice and encouragement and an Operation Transformation recipe book to help you row in with the nationwide, obesity tide-turning initiative. And don’t forget that An Ríocht AC has weighed in with Lynch’s and Shanahan’s by offering free use of their tartan track on Saturday’s for people involved in the challenge.
Positive and Productive
“Overall, this week has been both positive and productive for all of our participants. We have lost 23lbs so far this week, with many people yet to do their second weigh-in.
One of our participants has lost a fantastic 11lbs in one week with just minor dietary and lifestyle adjustments. This highlights the fact that even the smallest of changes can make a massive difference on the scales,” said Aileen Lynch.
“We were also delighted to welcome many new recruits to our campaign this week and it’s important for everyone to realize that it’s never too late to start your weight loss journey,” she said.
The message from both pharmacies is that it is imperative for people not to be disappointed or disheartened if they don’t see major weight loss after the first week. This, they explained, could be due to a variety of factors. Stick with it and try that little bit harder so that you will see a difference on the scales this Saturday from 11am.
All the updated information you need on Operation Transformation 2016 can be found on: http://www.rte.ie/ot/news/challenging-ireland-to-collectively-lose-one-million-lbs-in-one-year