Labour TD, Arthur J Spring welcomed an announcement that €58,520 of additional funding has been allocated to Kerry County Council by the Office of Public Works under the Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme for necessary works in Tullig and Kilbanivane.
The funding has been allocated by the OPW in response to an application submitted by Kerry County Council for the raising of a retaining wall and culvert replacement in Tullig and the installation of a storm water drainage pipe at Kilbanivane.

This is very welcome news for people with loved ones and friends lying in Kilbanivane as this winter’s constant rain and heavy flooding meant more frequent scenes there like that in the recent photograph.
The announcement of funding to tackle the problems in Kilbanivane and Tullig will be welcomed by many people in the area who found it tough going, emotionally, to visit family graves there over the past few months in particular.
While the allocation of funding represents that vital first step in tackling the issues in both locations, we will wait in hope to see the commencement of work. By agreement with the residents in Tullig, the work on the culvert under the road there will be done first as that stream will then take the storm drain flow from Kilbanivane.
Deputy Spring’s announcement also represents the first mention of Castleisland or its hinterland by any government politician in the lead-in to this election to the 32nd Dáil. A few more would be most welcome.