Happy Birthday to Con from Sister, Jean

Con Hewitt pictured here with Roy Keane during a trip to Old Trafford.
Birthday boy, Con Hewitt pictured here with Roy Keane during a trip to Old Trafford.

The year was 1956 and my baby brother arrived on May 22nd. Son of Martin and Joan Hewitt. He arrived home to his big sister at No. 6 Barrack Street in The Latin Quarter.
Corneilius Alan Hewitt was a sweet little brother who played marbles and learned fast about The Beano and The Dandy at Davy Griffin’s.
I remember the day I took him to make his First Holy Communion – what a proud sister I was that day.
I watched him walk up to the Boys national school. With the love in his heart for music, from an early age, he joined the youth club.
Mike Kenny, John McGaley and Con – joined at the hip and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was one of many shows to come – The Astor was rocking!
Happy Birthday to my brother and best friend and many of them – Jean.