Eileen Carty’s daughter, Kate Elizabeth convinced her that St. Anthony would run rings around any of his equals in the lost and found department.
After a frantic 24-hour search for her missing engagement ring, Eileen did pray to the the saint like she never prayed in her life. Herself and husband Peter did a search of the streets of Castleisland and included every channel and drain in the place as they retraced her steps over the previous day.
Looked Everywhere
“We looked everywhere, we tried the bins, the lawn and the sides of the roads and I prayed to St. Anthony like I never prayed before in my life,” said Eileen.
“I’m telling you, several people including Kate Elizabeth told me about the power of St. Anthony and boy did I pray to him. I’m going down to the church this evening to light a candle to thank him.
“It’s a tiny ring but it means the world to me and that’s what made it so hard to find. I couldn’t sleep last night and I was thinking back on everything I did over the past day or more.
Folding Clothes
“I missed it off my finger when I had finished folding clothes on Monday evening and it was when I went back through that bunch of clothes that I found it today.
“I’m delighted and St. Anthony has another devoted follower now,” said a relieved Eileen. Though St. Anthony can be contacted by prayer only, you can find out more about him at: http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=24