The Highest House On The Mountain at The Glórach

Frances Kennedy - taking to the stage with the Glórach Players at Fr. Casey's GAA Clubhouse in Abbeyfeale from Thursday night at 8pm. ©Photograph: John Reidy
Frances Kennedy – taking to the stage at the Glórach  Community Theatre in Abbeyfeale from Thursday night at 8pm. ©Photograph: John Reidy

The time is nigh upon us as we get set to stage the John B Keane classic, The Highest House on the Mountain.  A wonderful play exploring the themes of identity, loneliness, addiction, wickedness and the secrets kept by all of the characters involved.

By Marian Harnett

We also have a great cast that includes: Donal Woulfe, Domhnaill De Barra, Frances Kennedy, Martin Tobin, Lorcan Curtin and Tamara Feeley.

The Highest House on the Mountain kicks off at the Glórach Community Theatre on this Thursday, January 12th with further performances on the 14th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 21st. and 22nd. Curtain up at 8pm nightly and tickets can be booked on: 087 13 83 940.

For more on Glórach Community Theatre check out:

Opt In – Stay Informed

Keep up to date with training, courses, workshop opportunities as they happen in Limerick & Tipperary with Opt In.

The range of programmes listed are being rolled out by West Limerick Resources particularly under the SICAP programme but also the ETB, LEO, Skillnets & LIT to name a few.

Opt-In is a collection of courses and events aimed at helping rural dwellers find the means and skills necessary to increase their income generating options. Check it out –

Social Dancing Classes At The Railway Bar

Social dance classes have resumed at the Railway Bar on Tuesdays, beginners class at 8,30pm and advanced from 9.30pm to 11pm. New people are always welcome.

News Flash

The local conference of SVP would like to announce the opening of a shop on Main St. in the near future. Further information 087 1213560.

Local Community Groups

West Limerick Resources provides ongoing support to Local Community Groups in the West Limerick area. A big Thank You to all our Community Groups who participated in our training; we do hope that we will be able to support you in 2017. Should you require any support or guidance as a Community Group or have ideas for training needs in 2017 please call Stefanie at West Limerick Resources on 087 3290483 or Damien on 087 9042477.

Irish Blood Transfusion Service

Mobile unit in Colaiste Ide agus Iosef from 6-9pm Monday and Tuesday next.

Come And See

A vocations event is being held in the Pallatine House, Thurles on February 17/18 next. It is for men aged 18-40 thinking about the priesthood. Contact Fr. Tony or Fr. Joe for further details.

Rural Employment Service (RES) / Youth Employment Service (YES)

If you need support job seeking and feel that you are a little lost in deciding what you want to do, then you should contact the RES / YES which offers one-to-one support and career planning to individuals around education, training and employment opportunities.  To find out more you can contact Finn or Lynne at West Limerick Resources on 069 61316 or Adrienne and Dee on 069 62 222.  Make sure that we are one of your New Year’s Resolutions!  Looking forward to hearing from you in 2017.

Keep up to date with us on Facebook:  Phone us on 069 62222 or call in to see us on St. Mary’s Road, Newcastle West.

St. Ita’s Night

The annual celebration in honour of St. Ita culminates with dinner and dancing to Eddie Lee in Raheenagh Hall on Sunday, January 15.  Meal served 8pm. Tickets must be booked in advance from Mary Anglam 086 1649099.  A great night guaranteed.

Bórd Na nÓg AGM

Fr. Casey’s Bord na nOg will hold their AGM this Wednesday, January 11 at Fr Casey’s Clubhouse at 8pm sharp! Also taking place will be the selecting of Mentors to take charge of the various age groups for the 2017 season. All are welcome!

Abbeyfeale Community Council

Our next monthly meeting will be held in Leen’s Hotel on Thursday, January 12 at 7.30pm.

After School Service

From January, after-school care is available to pupils of Dromtrasna N.S. in the school hall every full school day.  Enquiries to Deirdre 085 7252419.

Benny Thade’s Rambling House

Takes place at Fr. Casey’s Clubhouse on the third Thursday of each month, the first one of the New Year will be held on Thursday, January 19.

Limerick Toastmasters

Toastmasters will continue on the first and third Wednesday every month until May 2017. Next meeting Wednesday, January 18 at the Desmond Complex, Newcastle West from 8-10pm.  Further information 087 7972855.

Toastmasters provide you with the tools to become a confident speaker in a safe caring environment where everyone is on the same path.  Great for anyone who finds it hard to stand up in public and get their opinion across.

Leader Programme

The new Rural Development (LEADER) Programme 2014-2020 is now open in Limerick.  Limerick Local and Community Development Committee (LCDC) is the Local Action Group (LAG) for County Limerick and is responsible for the management of the LEADER Local Development Strategy (LDS) in the county.  West Limerick Resources CLG is its implementation partner in the West Limerick area and will deliver the majority of project and animation related actions associated with the implementation of the LDS including managing calls for proposals.  Limerick City and County Council is the financial partner and secretariat.

Abbeyfeale’s Singing Club

West Limerick singing club monthly singing session take place on the first Friday of every month in the Ramble Inn Bar, Abbeyfeale.

Toastmaster Club In Listowel

If you would like to gain self confidence, self esteem and improve your ability to speak in public then you should check out the newest public speaking club in North Kerry.  The next meeting will be held in the Listowel Arms Hotel on Thursday,  January 19 from 8 -10pm.  Admission €5 which covers cost of refreshments and rent of the room.  Further information from Gerard Mannix on 087 2193670.

Clothes Collection for St. Mary’s Boys’ NS

Are you clearing out your wardrobes over Christmas ? St. Mary’s Boys’ School is having a clothes collection month during January. Bags of unwanted clothes can be dropped into the school during school hours. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

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Queries about advertising and any other matters regarding The Maine Valley Post can also be sent to that address or just ring: 087 23 59 467

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