Talk+Movement Fitness Support Campaign Launched

Kate McSweeney of The Mad Ones, has launched the Talk and Movement health and fitness support campaign.
Kate McSweeney of The Mad Ones, has launched the Talk and Movement health and fitness support campaign. Click on the advert here for more information.

If you’re juggling your new year’s resolutions and struggling with your conscience – don’t worry – it’s early yet and there’s help and motivation at hand – and more to come.

“So, it’s January, we’ve kinda struggled to get back on track after Christmas so we’re planning to work on changing our ways together,” said Kate McSweeney by way of invitation to an innovative way of getting back and staying on track.

Friday at 6.15pm

“The Mad Ones Movement will walk together for 30 minutes from this Friday evening at 6.15pm, meeting at the Latin Quarter, Killarney Road based shop.

“We’re going to make exercise fun and sociable. We want to get some fresh air and generally feel better and we’re inviting anyone who wants to do the same to come and join us.

“Here’s hoping it will set us up for fit and healthy weekends during the month of January.

Lynch’s Pharmacy – weighing in on The Mad Ones / Operation Transformation 2017 campaign. Click on the advert for more information.

“We’re calling out everybody regardless of ability to join after work/school and we’re pretty sure we will feel waaaay better off for it!! Men Women, Children, Buggies are all welcome!

Weighing In at Lynch’s Pharmacy 

“And….to coincide with The Mad Ones Movement and Operation Transformation, Lynch’s Pharmacy has offered a great service whereby participants can get their measurement including: blood pressure, weigh in and body mass index and they will keep a record of your results each week. That’s an extra motivating factor that should definitely be availed of,” said Kate in conclusion.

Valentine’s Day Return for Couch-to-5K at An Riocht

Journey from couch potato to 5K runner on this popular programme at An Ríocht AC. Week by week with some walking and some jogging you will ultimately see yourself able to run three miles or 5k at your own pace in just three months.

It has been done by hundreds of couch potatoes over the past few years.

“The key to this programme is its gradual progression. Too many people are put off exercise by starting too fast. With couch to 5k the slow, steady progression will make it easier for you to complete the programme,” said Ms. McSweeney in her role as manager of An Ríocht AC.

The 2017 Couch-to-5K programme will begin on Tuesday, February 14th at 7pm. and it will run on Tuesday and Thursday nights at €2 per night.

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