Free Health Check – An Extra Aspect to Local Transformation Programme

Haven Pharmacy Free Health Checks 26/01/2017
Partners in Health and Wellbeing: Announcing the Haven Pharmacy Live Longer-Live Better Blood Pressure Measurement Campaign on Thursday were: Bernie Collins, Haven Pharmacy; Séamus O’Connor, Manager Garvey’s SuperValu; Jack Shanahan, Haven Pharmacy; John Paul Curtin, Garvey’s SuperValu; Siobhán Dillane and Noreen Cremins, Haven Pharmacy. ©Photograph: John Reidy

As the Operation Transformation programme keeps moving in on our health awareness levels and local editions of the television versions abound, businesses are putting shoulders to the proverbial wheel and are adding extra aspects this year.

Jack Shanahan’s Haven Pharmacy door is right beside where the Garvey’s SuperValu, Saturday morning, weekly Walk and Talk starts and finishes.

“We are trying to focus more on exercise and weight and to that end we are helping in our own way.

Free Blood Pressure Checks

For the next week, until Thursday, February 2nd., we will be doing free blood pressure checks for anybody that would like to avail of the service,” said pharmacy proprietor, Jack Shanahan.

Haven Pharmacy Free Health Checks 26/01/2017
Haven Pharmacy’s Bernie Collins checking Garvey’s SuperValu manager, Seamus O’Connor’s blood pressure in preparation for the third, Saturday morning Walk and Talk from the store. Haven Pharmacy will carry out free health check on Walk and Talk participants when they call in the course of the next week. ©Photograph: john Reidy

“We are trying to make it as available as posssible, although there may be busy times where people may be waiting.

“This is a great opportunity to check an important health measurement. With the walks from Garvey’s SuperValu on Saturday morning it is very easy to nip in and have a simple check done.

People Can Track Weight

“We will also have a highly accurate, calibrated, medical weighing scale available, where people can track their weight.

“This will be available for free use on the days we do the blood pressure checks.

We can also give people a Body Mass Index (BMI) reading.

This is a useful measure of where you stand on recommended weigh charts.

Haven Pharmacy Poster
Click on the Poster here to go to Haven Pharmacy Facebook page for more information of the Blood Pressure Checks.

Organised Walk Each Saturday

“As you know, there is an organised walk outside our door each Saturday for the next few weeks.

This and our week of health checks will be a great addition for those that want to keep healthy,” said Mr. Shanahan.

Click on the Poster

Check out the details of days and times on the Haven Pharmacy Facebook page by clicking on the poster here on the page.

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