The monthly West Limerick singing session will be held on this Friday night, June 2nd at 9.30pm in the Ramble Inn Bar, Abbeyfeale.
By Marian Harnett
All welcome to come along and join us for a night of traditional singing and storytelling.
Alcoholics Anonymous
An open public meeting of AA will take place in Duagh National School on Monday, June 5 at 8.30pm. All welcome.
Day Trip With Community Alert
We are currently planning a day trip on Wednesday, July 26 to Dingle which would include a trip around Slea Head and a four course Early Bird dinner in Jim McCarthy’s award winning restaurant Chart House. We are looking for Expressions of Interest before Thursday June 1 so if you think you’d like to join us please ring Mary 087 6377310, Kathleen 087 6253154 or Marian 087 6866450. We will only book if we know we have a bus load.
ADAPT Call For Volunteers
The annual church gate collection, to help maintain the services for women and their children, provided by ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services, throughout Limerick City and County, takes place in Abbeyfeale on June 10/11. Can you spare half an hour to stand at the table in your local area? Please contact Deirdre Barrett at 061 412354
Annual Summer Concert
The annual Summer Concert takes place in Broadford Community Centre on Friday, June 9 at 8.00 p.m. following a wine reception at 7.15 p.m. This year’s performers are: Máiréad Buicke, soprano; Anthony Byrne, pianist; Anna Jansson, piano; Kevin Jansson, piano and violin; Conor Palliser, accompanist; Seán McGann, tenor; Martin Gleeson, baritone; Margaret O’Donnell, accompanist. As usual, the programme will include popular vocal favourites from the past, songs from the shows and a few well-known operatic arias as well as classical and popular instrumental pieces. Admission fee is €20.Tickets are available from Broadford Post Office, Moloney’s Quik Pick and Broadford Surgery.
St. Ita’s Faith Camp
Registration for the annual St. Ita’s Faith Camp which takes place from Tuesday, August 1 – Friday, August 4 will be held on Wednesday, June 14 from 7pm – 8pm and Thursday, June 15 from 8 – 9pm at St Mary’s Boys School. 2017 Confirmation children especially welcome. We are also asking families to host our visiting volunteers this year. We welcome any person who is 15 years or over to volunteer for the camp as much help is needed during our 4 days.
Abbeyfeale for Africa Variety Concert
We are planning to hold a variety concert in the Glórach on Friday, June 16 as a fundraiser for Fr. Tim Galvin’s Mission in South Sudan. Artistes will include ; Comedian Katie Moloney, The Broderick Family, Shauna O’Donoghue and friends, Laura Sheedy, Nicole Doyle Prendeville, The Flynn sisters and a few surprises.. Admission €10.
Ryan’s Daughter At The Glorach
The newly formed film club at the Glórach presents Ryan’s Daughter on Wednesday, June 7 at 8pm. Admission €7. Bookings on 087 1383940.
Pilgrimage To Knock
Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday, June 11. Booking at Sean Brodericks and usual outlets.
Kileenagh Holy Well
Mass will be celebrated at the Holy Well on Wednesday, May 31 at 8pm. The Rosary continues to be said there every Friday evening during May.
GRAVEYARD SPRING CLEAN: Reilig Ide Naofa spring clean is on every Tuesday from 7-9pm. More help always welcome. Bring gloves.
SVP – We’re Recruiting
We are recruiting volunteers for our new St. Vincent De Paul shop in the town. The shop will be open from Monday to Saturday 10.00 – 5.00pm. The shop will have two shifts – 10.00 – 1.30pm and 1.30 – 5.00pm. If you have some time to give and would like to be part of our team or need more information please contact us on 087 1213560. We would love to have you work in our shop. The work and time you will give to the Vincent de Paul as a volunteer in our shop will be invaluable. By this work you will be making a huge difference in the lives of so many people. Volunteering is a gift to the community.
Fr.Casey’s Ladies GAA Feile Fundraiser
Please donate your unwanted clothes & textiles to raise funds for Fr. Casey’s Girls U14 team who have qualified for the Feile finals in Cavan in June. Any re-wearable clothes, paired shoes, belts, handbags, curtains, towels, bed linen, soft toys are accepted. Please drop off bags at the GAA complex on Sunday mornings, 10.30-11.30 am between now and the end of May. Contact Mike 0872279922, Ha 0861071620, Laura 0871651529 or Pat 0879030745 if you need any assistance.
Opt In – Keep Up
Keep up to date with training, courses, workshop opportunities as they happen in Limerick & Tipperary with Opt In. The range of programmes listed are being rolled out by West Limerick Resources particularly under the SICAP Programme but also the ETB, LEO, Skillnets & LIT to name a few. Opt-In is a collection of courses and events aimed at helping rural dwellers find the means and skills necessary to increase their income generating options. Check it out – https://www.opt-in.ie
Toastmasters – Last Meeting
The last meeting of West Limerick Toastmasters for this season is on Wednesday, May 31 in the Desmond Complex NCW.
You can contact The Maine Valley Post on… Anyone in The Maine Valley Post catchment area who would like to send us news and captioned photographs for inclusion can send them to: jreidy@mainevalleypost.com Queries about advertising and any other matters regarding The Maine Valley Post can also be sent to that address or just ring: 087 23 59 467. Please Note: A click on any of our adverts will reveal all you need to know about what our advertisers need to tell you.
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All images are copyrighted © by John Reidy 2017.