There has been a business of one kind or another at No. 26 Lower Main Street since the fine, cut limestone house was built there in the early 1700s.
Tomorrow afternoon, Saturday, June 17th the flickering light of business and commerce will be doused for a final time.
Friends Dropping In
Family members and friends were dropping in and out through this Friday morning and into the afternoon as word spread that one of Castleisland’s last businesses of the golden era was to close.
The clearance sale which went on there today will be continued up to about 2pm tomorrow and then, that’s it.
Mary O’Mahony who worked there for over a quarter of a century was there today and she recalled the days of Mickey O’Herlihy and Mossie Prendiville.
Close the Door
With the chilly winds of economic fortunes and the changes in technology which have taken hold of all and every business, it fell to retiring proprietor, Michael Murphy to close the door for the final time. That we won’t see its likes again is a certainty in an increasingly uncertain world.
Tomorrow will present the final chance for anyone who wishes to take that trip down memory lane.
As family member, choir leader and most accomplished singer, Ailish Walsh-O’Connor put it today: Time to Say Goodbye.
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