While Camp Road serves as a vital artery to the commercial life of Castleisland, its suitability has been questioned several times since it was pressed into service when the main road was closed officially on May 24th to facilitate the demolition and rebuilding of Dysart Bridge.
Since then the harvesting of crops and cattle fodder has gone into overdrive and the narrow road is being put to the pin of its collar to cope.
Temporary Relief Road
“It wouldn’t be any harm to put in a reminder that it’s only a temporary relief road and even at that it was never fully prepared for the traffic it’s taking now. People would want to cop themselves on and slow down a bit,” according to a regular user.
“Go back and you’ll see for yourself – there are bits of broken lights and the amount of wing mirrors broken off vehicles there is sign enough that people aren’t treating the road for what it is.
A Month to Go
“If you’re speeding along that road you’re as likely to meet a huge tractor and silage trailer as you are a car on any of the bad bends there.
“Your heart would be in your mouth most of the time. Slow down and remember there’s just over a month to go until the new bridge is open and it’ll be an ease to us all,” she said.
August 20th Opening
The new Dysart Bridge is due to open on August 20th. and it will be one of the most welcome developments in the modern commercial life of Castleisland.
Wouldn’t it make a great occasion for a street party. An excuse to tell / remind the world that Castleisland is indeed open for business.
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