Sinn Féin Leader for Castleisland’s Probe into Rural Revival

Uachtarán Shinn Féin, Mary Lou McDonald, TD with Kate McSweeney – the local organiser of the Castleisland conference on November 24th.

A conference on the future of rural Ireland is being organised by local Sinn Féin Party activists for the River Island Hotel here in Castleisland on Saturday, November 24th at 6.30pm.

The main topic of conversation will focus on ways in which life can be brought back to rural Ireland and the challenges involved in doing so.

Uachtarán Mary Lou Mc Donald

The keynote speaker on the evening will be Uachtarán Shinn Féin, Mary Lou Mc Donald,TD.

“By holding this conference we are taking it upon ourselves by having a gathering of minds, to think outside the box and put in place ways in which the many aspects of life in rural Ireland can be revived before it’s too late,” said local organiser, Kate McSweeney.

Representative Panel

Panelists will include Sinn Féin local and national representatives, leaders from agricultural associations, local business representatives, journalists as well as representatives from towns and villages who have counteracted decline in unique ways.

“Perhaps by applying some of the ideas gleaned from this discussion, and indeed that of the economic forum held by the chamber alliance in September, Castleisland could be seen as a proactive positive thinking town and act as a template for other struggling rural towns going forward.

“We can sit back and let the decimation happen around us or gather as a community and force revival,” said Ms. McSweeney.

Getting the Vox Pop

“Also we are at present working on interviewing a range of people in small towns/villages/amuigh fan tuath who have strong opinions on where rural Ireland is at right now and who have been affected or have experience of any of the following: Revoking of services e.g. post office closures; broadband/connectivity issues; employment or lack of; issues facing farmers; education; rural isolation; mental health issues and survival of small businesses in these areas. These interviews will be used as part of a video project which will be shown at the conference on November 24th,” said Kate.

Contact Kate on 087 92 28 834 if you would like to contribute.

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