Eileen’s Blas on Bealtaine Writer in Residence Programme

Sitting with George: Scartaglin born poet, Eileen Sheehan began her Bealtaine Writer in Residence programme in Listowel on May 2nd. ©Photograph: John Reidy

The Bealtaine writer in residence, Eileen Sheehan, began her residency on Poetry Day, Thursday 2nd May with an event at the Kerry Writers’ Museum in Listowel.

Lovers of literature gathered to share poems and start conversations.

“It was a lovely, relaxed atmosphere,”said Eileen, ‘and a great start to the residency.’

Celebrating the Month of May

This was the first event of several that will take place at the Kerry Writers’ Museum throughout the month of May to celebrate Bealtaine, the festival of creativity for older people.

As well as focusing on her own writing, Eileen will facilitate a number of free workshops for people over 55. All the workshops will be based at the museum.

Troublesome Children

Eileen invites people to bring their ‘troublesome children’ – pieces of writing that are giving trouble, and work on them through discussion and feedback.

On Tuesday May 14th from 10.30am – 1pm people with little or no writing experience can join a beginners’ workshop.

Ekphrastic Poetry

On Friday May 17th at 1pm Eileen will give a workshop on Ekphrastic poetry – using art work and objects and Writers’ Rooms as starting points to inspire poems. An introduction to Ekphrastic writing will be included so the workshop is suitable for all levels.

Further Events

The Bealtaine Writer in Residence Programme is a partnership between Kerry County Council Arts Office and the Kerry Writers’ Museum. It is co-funded by Creative Ireland Kerry and The Arts Council.

Further events will be announced later but for bookings and enquiries on these free workshops contact info@kerrywritersmuseum.com or ring 068 22212.

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