Irish Water and Kerry County Council Notice for College Road / Kilbanivane

Dan Brosnan from Killarney represents the first line of defence for his Irish Water / Kerry County Council colleagues as they push on with the work on College Road, Castleisland yesterday. Photograph: John Reidy

Work to upgrade the public water mains may cause a disruption to the supply in the College Road and Kilbanivane areas of Castleisland between 7pm and 2am on Wednesday and Thursday nights of this week.

Irish Water and Kerry County Council are working together to upgrade the local water network and appreciate your patience.

This work is part of the highly publicised ‘rusty water mains’ which carried the public supply off Upper Main Street to College Road and Kilbanivane.

The crew on the job there have made remarkable progress and they are now into the final stages of the job over these two nights mentioned above.

The plight of the residents along the supply line was made public at the meeting in Kilbanivane at the end of April as the local elections were staring us in the face.

Charlie Farrelly, who became Cllr. Charlie on May 25th was alerted to the plight of the people of the area at that meeting and promises were made and kept.

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