Annette’s 2020 Photographic Vision on RTÉ Calendar

Annette O’Donoghue with a copy of the 18th RTÉ weather calendar the cover of which is adorned with her image prefect Blennerville Windmill in a mirror like reflection. ©Photograph: John Reidy
The vision which greeted Annette in Blennerville and which she captured during her trip there last March. Photograph: Annette O’Donoghue

A just missed opportunity to travel on one of its outings with her Castleisland Camera Club colleagues and friends earlier this year led Annette O’Donoghue to head off on her own.

On that evening in March of this year, Annette packed her gear and decided to head to Blennerville.

Wonder of Nature

The wonder of nature that greeted her there on that occasion gave her the thrill of her photographic journey then and it keeps on giving.

On Tuesday of this week, when the RTÉ Guide hit the shop shelves, Annette found that her image of a perfectly reflected windmill was not only the February winner but also the calendar’s cover photo.

Missed Club Outing

“We had been talking about Blennerville one evening and it’s a place I thought I’d like to go some time and I just headed off there as I wasn’t able to join the club members on their outing that day,” said Annette.

“I was delighted with what I found when I got there. There wasn’t a puff of a breeze and the water was like a mirror. It’s so seldom it’s as perfect as that and I took the photograph before it all changed.

Lovely Honour – Nice Surprise

“I knew I had made it to the February page of the calendar but my photograph also made it to the cover and it was used as an inset of the RTÉ Guide on Tuesday as well.

And Annette’s image also featured with several other of the calendar’s pictures on the RTÉ show, Today with Maura and Dáithí with Daithí Ó Sé and Maura Derrane on Tuesday evening.

“It’s a lovely honour and nice surprise and it’s good overall for the camera club now as we prepare for our annual exhibition and sale on November 30th from 8pm at the Ivy Leaf,” said a well pleased Annette.