Cruinniú Project to Highlight Challenges and Dreams of Young People in Lockdown

Artist Zoë Uí Fhaoláin Green is a performer, visual artist and this project facilitator and she is calling on the young of Kerry to engage with the initiative.


Kerry Local Creative Youth Partnership is supporting Cruinniú Na nÓg in a unique way this year with a project that will highlight the challenges and dreams of young people in lockdown.

‘Windows On Our Lives’ is a video slideshow which will feature work by young people in video, sound, music, poetry and art and will launch online on Saturday, June 13th next.

Young People In A Changed World

The artwork will reflect the emotions of young people in a changed world with artwork, images, sound and music throwing a spotlight on the hopes and dreams of young people across Kerry. Young people are being asked to choose a view from a window in their homes, then to relax, observe and think about what is missing from the view, what they would like to see in that view, what hopes they have for the future.

Adult Permission Required

To participate young people must ask their parents/caregivers to email in their artwork, stories and poems, ensuring they have adult permission to: Artist Zoë Uí Fhaoláin Green at the link at the end of the article.

Zoë is facilitating the project for Kerry Local Creative Youth Partnership and is calling on young people to collaborate.

Collaborative and Socially Engaged Art

Based in Dingle, Zoë is a performer, visual artist and facilitator whose art practice is collaborative and socially engaged.

“The wonderful imagination and unique perspective that young people have is being looked for and I hope they will find ‘Windows In Our Lives’ uplifting, and hopeful.” she said in outlining the objectives of her project.

Shows in Shop Windows

The video slideshow will be presented in shop windows across Kerry including in: Culloty’s Music Shop Tralee; McKenna’s Listowel; Jeffrey’s Pharmacy, Cahirciveen and Grá Health Food in Dingle from June 13th to June 20th.

A Very Different June

Deirdre Enright, Co-Ordinator of Kerry Local Creative Youth Partnership, Kerry ETB said that right now, is a very different June from last year.

“We’re hoping children and young people will respond creatively to this project, sharing their understanding, feelings and what they want to see in their world,” Ms. Enright said.

A National Day Of Free Creativity

Cruinniú na nÓg on June 13th is a national day of free creativity for children and young people, one of a kind in Europe. ‘Windows On Our Lives’ is part of the county programme for the event which is promoted through Kerry County Council.

Children can send their videos to:

The video slideshow will feature online on the Kerry ETB website and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.