The next meeting of the members of the Municipal District of Castleisland/Corca Dhuibhne will be held in the Carnegie Building, Castleisland on this Wednesday, September 16th at 10am to consider the under mentioned items.
The confirmation of the following minutes from the ordinary meeting of the members of the Municipal District of Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne held on July 15th. 2020.
(1) To consider the report, following public consultation, on the introduction of Traffic Calming Measures on the R-561 roadway in Boolteens Village, Castlemaine, Tralee, pursuant to Section 38 (3) of the Road Traffic Act 1994, as amended by the Public Transportation Regulation Act, 2009 (Section 46).
Economic & Community Development Directorate
To note update report from Economic & Community Development Directorate.
Notices of Motion
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
That Kerry County Council identify suitable sites for Camper-vans and Motor Homes in the Dingle/Castleisland Local Area Plan.
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
To ask that Kerry County Council facilitate a series of stakeholder meetings i.e. the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), Failte Ireland, Kerry County Council together with coastal communities to determine the best development plan and management solutions to promote Tourism interests to benefit both the local and national economies.
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
To ask that Kerry County Council put in place contingency plans to allow land holders adjoining or adjacent to recreational facilities within our county to assist with providing temporary parking for vehicles and motor homes as well as for campers in order to address the extreme large volumes of tourists on staycations.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
Can an update on the Restart Grant Plus Scheme for Businesses be given?
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
How many Sports Clubs applied for the Kerry Recreation and Sports Partnership COVID-19 Club Small Grant Scheme for a maximum of up to €1,500? Applications were to close on September 1st.
Many clubs incurred losses of many types of local fundraising schemes such as lottos, clothes recycling drives etc and 1,500 Euros would not cover these losses involved despite the fact that many sports clubs are still required to pay insurance, team fees, medical expenses etc.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
I am calling on the relevant authorities to install CCTV Cameras in Castleisland similar to those in larger urban areas in the county. This would provide much needed camera footage for issues such as littering and the monitoring of the town both day and night.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD fully supports NEWKD Dingle Peninsula Smart Village (ELI) Submission: Responding to needs of Older People in Our Communities.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae:
What funding stream has been identified by Municipal District Management in relation the redevelopment of the Glounsharoon Viewing Point?
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
What is the update position in relation to the derelict housing estate, Annagh Banks on the outskirts of Castlemaine village? To what action to date has Kerry County Council taken to correct same as this is one of the most derelict sites in the entire country.
Water, Environment, Fire and Library Services Directorate
To note update report from Water, Environment, Fire and Library Services Directorate.
Notices of Motion
Cllr. Bobby O’Connell:
That Kerry County Council, with support from the Heritage Council, ensure that the three roundabouts in Castleisland benefit from pollinator and biodiversity friendly landscaping.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
Can the recent burst water pipe at Farranfore be investigated as to why it broke? This is another break in a series of breaks at a central point in the County. It caused considerable upset and disruption to locals, local business and a county seeking to get back on its feet. There is every danger that this will happen again and cause not just the disruption mentioned above but also to rail and air travel.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae:
That Kerry County Council seek an urgent meeting with Irish Water in relation to the main water pipe that has burst on numerous occasions in Farranfore in the last 12 months.
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald:
That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD develop a `Sponsor a Bin’ scheme for businesses within the MD. Individual businesses or groups of businesses could work together with the Council in order to sponsor an extra bin on their street. Local artists could design and paint these bins and they could also be used as information points about the area.
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald:
That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD carry out an audit of all beaches within the MD and make an application/ request to the Department of Environment or/and Failte Ireland for proper investment in toilets / showers / car parks. Special attention and extra investment must be carried out at our Blue Flag beaches such as Inch, Ventry and Maharabeg and our Green Coast Award Beaches of Beal Ban and Castlegregory.
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
Will Kerry County Council ask Irish Water to address the sewerage treatment issue in Brandon?
Housing / To note update report from Housing Directorate / Notices of Motion
Cllr. Bobby O’Connell:
That Kerry County Council put in place a scheme that tenants who do not pay for a bin service should have it added to their monthly rent.
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
Will Kerry County Council provide sheds to the tenants who are residing in the local authority housing estate in Lispole?
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae:
That. Kerry County Council provide a breakdown of the vacant properties in their own housing stock specifically in the Castleisland LEA, how much is required to bring these houses back into use and how long have they been vacant?
Furthermore, how many of these properties will be repaired and brought back into use, using the €935,276 allocated by Government recently for this specific use.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
What is the update on the vacant house at [Details with Directorate] which I reported to Environment three months ago?
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
To ask the Housing Engineer what steps to date have been taken to address the heating problems being experienced by three families (Council tenants), details of which I forwarded on some weeks back?
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
Can an online webinar be held to provide knowledge and pathways for people with vacant properties? Online webinars have been very successful in getting information to the public and this initiative could help with town centre renewal, reuse of buildings by offering the chance of a long-term lease to Kerry County Council.
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald:
How many vacant council houses are in Dingle, how long have they been vacant and what is required to make them habitable?
Roads, Transportation & Marine Directorate to note update report from Roads, Transportation & Marine Directorate /Notices of Motion
Cllr. Bobby O’Connell:
That Kerry County Council tell us what progress has been made with the Ballyfinane junction and the acquiring of the property to make the crossroads safer.
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
That Kerry County Council look at the feasibility of extending the footpath out as far as the Rainbow Hostel in Milltown, Dingle.
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
Given that the Department of Marine has been granted permission to demolish the old Ice- plant at Strand Street will the Council examine the feasibility of construct a wider footpath along this section of street?
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
I am calling on Kerry County Council as a matter of urgency to carry out repairs to the bridge on the L1 0724 Kilquane/Cordal which was knocked earlier in the year. This bridge is extremely dangerous due to the fact it has up to a 70 foot drop down to the river.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
I am calling on Kerry County Council to extend the footpath along the L01736 at Moanmore, Castleisland. The residents on this road have waited for years to have the footpath extended beyond their houses. In view of the fact that there was a 40 million package announced as part of the government July’s stimulus package at supporting pedestrians and improving accessibility including footpath provision. I am urging the council to have this footpath included in an application for funding.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
I am requesting that Kerry County Council carry out immediate repairs on a short stretch of road on the L2031 Cordal/Castleisland. Despite many efforts to patch this road it has become the worst piece of road in the area.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
Calling on Kerry County Council to repair the short stretch of footpath on the L2041 (Limerick Road) adjacent to [Details with Directorate]. This footpath was already brought to the attention of the local engineer and I am asking these repairs to be included in this year’s footpath repairs.
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
Calling on Kerry County Council to consider providing public lighting on the L2025 (Powell’s Road/Castleisland) where there are 36 houses and also to carry out repairs to relieve the flooding outside [Details with Directorate].
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
To ask both Kerry County Council and the TII to put in place a roundabout at the junction in Milltown village where the N70 links with the R563.
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
To-ask- that Kerry County Counicil create further parking and facilities i.e. toilet and washing facilities close to the six beach access points along the 11km stretch of Brandon Bay to alleviate pressure from Magherabeg resulting in the distribution of visitors to other locations; so that communities can benefit financially.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
In 2016 a Preliminary Options Report was completed for Castleisland under the Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and. Management Study [CFRAMS].
In 2017 Kerry County Council requested the CFRAMS consultants to remodel two measures, defense wall/embankment at Castleisland Community College and filling a low point on the Shanowen River and look at the implications of carrying out these works in advance of the rest of the suite of measures proposed under the CFRAM study.
“The consultants deemed both measures to be not viable to be constructed in advance of the other measures as they would result in increased flood levels and flood damage elsewhere.” – quote from reply to Motion 3, from the Roads, Transportation & Marine Directorate at Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD Meeting at a previous MD meeting.
a. What are these other measures that the consultants refer to?
b. Have they now been carried out? If so, can Kerry County Council proceed to seek approval from CFRAMS that the Castleisland scheme progress to detailed design stage?
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae:
Following on from Kerry County Council meeting with the Tll, has any update been given in relation to the N21, especially the number of dangerous right turning junctions into the Glounsharoon Viewing Point, for Crag Caves, for Crinny and lastly for Meinleitrim, which are all a major safety concern for local residents and users of this road.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae:
That the issue of placing a speed ramp outside Gneeveguilla National School please be revisited following on from the Deputation back in March 2020, the school is now reopen and the issue still remains, I appreciate due to Covid-19 shutdowns that the required investigative work could not take place, but, I ask that it is now started as soon as possible.
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald:
That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD clearly indicate in all our piers and slips, most notably Ballydavid, Smerwick, Brandon and Maharees that these are working piers and slips and are not to be used for parking and that access must be provided on them and to them in case of emergencies and for loading and offloading boats. Signage and lines should clearly show visitors where not to park in order to allow access for Emergency Services and Fisherman and that the upmost care be taken on them.
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
Can Kerry County Council examine and try and address the parking situation in Maharees?
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
How are the proposed plans for the Faha car park progressing?
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
Any update on the redevelopment of a Bus shelter at the back of Garvey’s SuperValu?
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
Will Kerry County Council erect a ‘Parking for Residents Only’ sign at the Grove Housing estate?
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
What is the update on the previous motion on sight viewing in Firies which was tabled by Clir. B. O’Connell and myself at a previous meeting?
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
What is the update on the provision of a flashing light in Firies approaching the creche?
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
What is the update on the job in Tullig on the L2036 that Cllr. B. O’Connell and I paid for out of special allocated funds?
Cllr. Charlie Farrelly:
Could an update be provided on speed ramps in Greenfields, Riles?
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
Can both Kerry County Council and the TIl address the Junction at Kennedy’s Cross, Tinahalla where the N70 links to the L8007 – requesting a separate exit / slip lane for traffic leaving the N70 entering the L8007.
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
To ask that Kerry County Council repair the bridge well on the L12215 as the temporary safety barrier has collapsed.
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
To ask that both Kerry County Council and the TII eradicate the ragwort weed growing on the new Kilderry road (N70) as adjoining farmers are seriously concerned about the spread of this weed onto their lands.
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
Can an overview of the cleaning of Castleisland Streets be given and can collections from public bins occur on a more regular basis?
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
Has the Castleisland Corca Dhuibhne MD adequate resources to investigate and execute issues in relation to hedges, trees and ditches encroaching on roads over the coming autumn and winter months?
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
Can the L-10752-0 road have the sides of it cleaned back as water is streaming down it during periods of heavy rainfall?
Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald:
At a previous meeting I requested that signs for Ballydwyer be removed from the N-22 at Flemby Cross turning onto the L-6544-1- and turning onto the L- 6545.
The TII were to investigate this matter and to hopefully see fit to remove these signs as it brings too much traffic down these narrow roads. Can an update on this issue be given?
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae:
Can a timeline please be given for the completion of councillor allocation works?
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae:
When will the repairs using the €30,000 allocated to footpaths in the Castleisland area take place and where will this money be spent?
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald:
Several issues in relation to the amount of traffic travelling to An Clasach have been brought to my attention. Can Kerry County Council put a sign indicating ‘Local Traffic Only’ on it as it appears that map apps are directing people over this road which is causing issues. Can Kerry County Council contact the mapping companies.
Can Kerry County Council put road markings and signage by the lay-bys to stop people parking on them for the day?
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald:
With the heavy rain recently, a flood came down from the road above Scoil Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil. Can work be carried out here to ensure that the School and community hall will not be flooded in future?
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald:
With the heavy rain recently, flooding occurred at Tig Bhric, An Riasc.
Can an application for a Minor Works Scheme be done here? This is a regular occurrence here and work needs to be carried out to solve this problem.
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald:
Can the stretch of road in Glen South from McCarthy’s shed up to the old shed be repaired, and the debris that was left by the Council in the lay-bys be removed?
Motions and Questions
Motions / Questions relevant to other directorates or Issues not relevant to Kerry County Council Business.
Notices of Motion
Cllr. Séamus Cosai Fitzgerald:
That Kerry County Council write to the Garda Superintendent requesting that a Garda is assigned full time to Castlegregory during the summer months and on the busy Bank holiday weekends?
Cllr. Michael O’Shea:
To ask that Kerry County Council, and the members pass a resolution requesting that the HSE open the Saint John of God Centre in Market-Place, Killorglin with immediate effect.
Cllr. Jackie Healy-Rae:
That Kerry County Council and this MD would write to the Taoiseach and Minister for Transport in relation to a compensation package for our regional airports, specifically Kerry Airport, to ensure its survival throughout this very difficult time.
Kerry Airport has been and will be an integral part of our transport infrastructure in Kerry and will be vital in the future economic growth of our county.
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald:
That Castleisland & Corca Dhuibhne MD write to the ESB requesting electric car fast charging points be installed in all of our public car parks.
Any Other Business / Correspondence
Email from the Office of Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, TD in relation to the introduction of rapid Covid-19 testing for all visitors coming to Ireland through our Airports and Ports and to give clarity around air travel.
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