“After many years of waiting for a positive outcome, locals and passing motorists who use the L2030 Castleisland to Brosna road will be delighted to know that work by Kerry County Council commenced on Monday morning to remove the very dangerous bend at Glenlarhan Cross,” said Cllr. Charlie Farrelly in welcoming the progress on the long awaited development.
Fully Funded by Cllr. Farrelly’s Allocation
“I am delighted to say that this entire project has been fully funded to the value of €17,050 from my annual councillors allocation.
“I would like to thank the local landowner Mr. Mike Kearney for his permission to facilitate this project through his land.
“Mike is pictured above with his neighbour Siobhán Kearney and myself viewing the progress that has been made by Kerry County Council employees on the first day of work on the site,” said Cllr. Farrelly.
Tarring All With the One Brush
The independent Cllr. Farrelly also welcomed the newly laid stretch of road surface on the L-2017 / Pound Road in Castleisland in recent weeks.
And in this instance he’s magnanimous in his announcement as he roped in all of his fellow elected representatives and the roads department of Kerry County Council.
As he distributed the praise to those deserving of it you could say that he tarred them all with the one brush
Working Together for the Good of the Community
“Well done to everyone concerned including the roads department in the Castleisland Municipal District.
“This work is part of the 2020 Road Works Programme as agreed by all four elected councillors at our March 13th meeting.
“It’s a fine example of us all working together for the good of the community,” said Cllr. Farrelly in signing off.