This year’s student council at Presentation Castleisland was officially revealed at a combined event in the school’s sports hall on Friday.
The event began with a prayer service lead by the student council to mark Presentation Day.
Members of the school choir and musicians accompanied each prayer, lead by music teacher Deirdre O’Brien.
Following the prayer service, student council co-ordinator and teacher Pierce Dargan spoke of the importance and value of such a council in a school and the strong student voice that was present in Presentation Castleisland.
Student Council Badges
Sixteen students from across all year groups were presented with their student council badges. Chairperson of the council, Kate O’Keeffe, spoke of what it means to be part of the council and the role it plays in the school.
Preparations for the celebration began some weeks ago as first year students designed cards and wrote letters to the Presentation Sisters.
Inspired by Nano Nagle
The students outlined how Presentation sisters founder, Nano Nagle inspired them and how they believe her vision is lived out today.
The girls also gave a brief account of their relatives who attended the school over the years, many of whom were taught by the sisters.
Four students from the first year class visited the convent where they delivered their gifts to the sisters at a safe social distance.
Thanks for Thoughtfulness
Sr. Mary Buckley on behalf of the community expressed a sincere thanks to all in the school for their thoughtful gifts and prayers on their special day.
Sr. Margaret O’Brien said she was delighted to see the girls even at such a distance and that she sincerely hoped the sisters will be able to visit the school in the not too distant future.
“You are always in our hearts and we are always delighted to hear from you” she said.
Year of Different Circumstances
Principal Katherina Broderick said that Presentation Day is always a day of celebration in the school.
“While we had very different circumstances this year, we planned that the whole school would celebrate together by live streaming the ceremony into each classroom.
“I commend our student council who led a really lovely ceremony from the school hall.
“Chairperson Kate O’Keeffe delivered a powerful speech in which she outlined what being a Presentation student meant to her and how Nano Nagle’s life and work inspires and motivates her in 2020,” said Ms. Broderick.
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