Leaving Cert Students Back to School – The Wrong Decision – Danny Healy Rae, TD

Education Minister Norma Foley has been contacted by Danny Healy Rae TD on the now thorny issue of the return to the classroom of secondary school students next week.

Deputy Danny Healy Rae has said that many concerned parents are contacting him about the Government  decision to have Leaving Cert students going back to school next week.    

“I said this week when I spoke on Radio Kerry that I believe the secondary and primary schools should remain closed until the end of January,” said Deputy Healy Rae.

Contact with Minister Foley 

“I have contacted the Minister for Education, Norma Foley regarding this and I think this is the wrong reaction now to have the Leaving Cert students going back into school next week.

Outbreaks in Schools

“I have asked how the Government can say that the schools are safe when teachers have not been vaccinated and there have been outbreaks of Covid in many schools already.

“With the massive numbers of Covid cases in recent days, I do not think the schools should be reopening,” said Deputy Danny in conclusion,

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