A motion by Cllr. Bobby O’Connell has launched a process which could see Kerry County Council taking over the maintenance of the Castleisland River Walk as it is rightly deemed an extremely important amenity for the area.
By way of reply the Castleisland Corca Dhuibhne Municipal District team will develop a plan for the consideration of the take-over of the locally prized amenity.
The Practicalities of Maintenance
“The plan will need to look at the current condition of the River Walk, works that may be required, funding of such works and also the longer-term costs and practicalities of maintenance of this well used amenity,” said Cllr. O’Connell.
“The river walk is possibly the most important recreational facility in the locality of Castleisland as it can be used and enjoyed by young and old and available to the public,” he continued.
Walk Extensions Explored
“At this stage it needs to be taken in charge by Kerry County Council to be maintained to a high standard by a body with equipment and resources, otherwise it will fall into disrepair.
“It should also be extended if possible and this should be explored either to the east or the west and possibly in both directions. My proposal has the full backing of the Castleisland Tidy Towns Committee,” said Cllr. O’Connell.
Mural at the Market Cross
In other development news: A huge mural will welcome locals and visitors alike to Castleisland from its vantage point overlooking the Market Cross.
Clearing work has already been done on the site to create access to the wall at the town side of where Nellie Murphy’s and Hannie Cullinane’s shops used to be.
The mural is destined for the gable wall of Michael Brosnan’s house and directly across the road from The Market Bar which featured frequently in Con Houlihan’s writings over the years.
Bellman Mikey Conway’s Starting Point
His most famous reference to the bar came with the account he wrote after watching the 1966 Soccer World Cup there on a Saturday on which he only barely escaped a day in the bog by the blessings of a bad morning.
The mural will be created by Magda Karol whose highly impressive work adorns walls in Waterford as a part of the Waterford Walls project.
The finished work will depict the commercial, cultural and sporting life of the town and its history.
Corner with its Claim to Fame
The corner it will overlook does have a claim to fame in its own, local kind of way. It was the point at which legendary, Pound Road based bellman Mikey Conway cleared his throat as he started to deliver the news items of the day.
His round took him from there to the library on that side of the street and back down the other side.
You can have a look at one of the murals Magda has done in Waterford with a click here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1459286347588275
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