Supporting Volunteers in Kerry Sports Clubs Through Zoom Workshops

Jennifer O’Sullivan-Coffey is the coordinator of the Community Volunteer Supports programme – a joint training initiative between Kerry Recreation Sports Partnership and North East and West Kerry Development. ©Photograph: John Reidy

The Community Volunteer Supports programme is a joint training initiative between Kerry Recreation Sports Partnership (KRSP) North East West Kerry Development (NEWKD).

The programme is primarily funded by Sport Ireland/Dormant Accounts with support aid by the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme

and the Kerry Recreation and Sports Partnership.

NEWKD and Kerry Volunteer Centre are delighted to announce a series of new free workshops for Kerry volunteers who are involved in various sports clubs and activities across Kerry.

Free Online Workshops

These free online workshops have been developed to support and up-skill individuals who are volunteering or involved in working with volunteers in sports clubs throughout Kerry.

The aims of these workshops are to increase the capacity of clubs, through developing their coaches, volunteers, knowledge and skills in engaging, Garda vetting and retaining Volunteers.

Back Bone of Clubs

Volunteers are the back bones of every sport club and they give their time freely for the benefit of their club and community, the community volunteer support initiative is there to support them to develop and grow beyond 2021.

Volunteers are from all walks of life, all ages and stages, and together they help make their community a better place.

Volunteers – ‘They’re Priceless’

Each workshop is delivered by Kerry Volunteer Centre and will be online via zoom; pre-registration is required to book your space.

“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless,” said Canadian sportswoman, Sherry Anderson.

Workshop Objectives

The objectives of the workshop are to engage volunteers in all clubs in 2021 and beyond. The workshop will focus on how and what clubs can do to effectively engage volunteers this year and after.

At the end of the workshop you will have identified key components of effective volunteer engagement with a knowledge of the key steps in recruiting new volunteers.

You will also have gained an insight into the benefits of well-defined volunteer management systems.

Fundamentals of Garda Vetting

On Tuesday, June 1st from 7pm to 8.30pm a free Zoom workshop will take participants through the fundamentals of Garda vetting.

At the end of the workshop you will understand who needs to be vetted and why. You’ll have an oversight of the legislation in relation to Garda vetting and you’ll be taken through the practical steps and timelines for Garda vetting of volunteers.

Volunteer Retention Tips

On Tuesday, June 8th from 7pm to 8.30pm a free Zoom workshop focusing on how to retain volunteers in 2021 and beyond.

At the end of the workshop you will be have the knowledge of the key elements in retaining volunteers with ideas on how to support volunteers to remain involved and an understanding of the importance of volunteer recognition.

The workshops will continue on the theme and topic of volunteerism in clubs on June 15th from 7pm to 8:30pm.

Contact programme coordinator; Jennifer O’Sullivan Coffey on: 087  94 93 451 of by Email:

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