Bóthar Launches Easter 2024 Fundraising Campaign for Palestine

Shane McAuliffe, Castleisland (left) with Bóthar colleagues: Aideen, Ailish and Kenneth. The Limerick based charity has launched an Easter Appeal for help on behalf of the besieged enclave and the people of Palestine.

The Irish charity Bóthar CLG has launched its Easter 2024 fundraising campaign for Palestine and Shane McAuliffe makes us aware of the initiative.

Speaking at the launch, Ailish O’Reilly, CEO of Bóthar, said that it’s almost beyond our understanding that four-fifths of all starving people the world are in Gaza, in an area the size of Kilkenny City.

“It is impossible to see what is unfolding for children and families in Palestine and not do something to help.”

“Easter in an important time in Palestine. Children should be colouring eggs, looking forward to a feast of traditional dishes and spending time with extended family,”

Immediate Humanitarian Aid

“I see a photo of children on a news report from a few months ago and I wonder if they are still alive today,” she said.

Bóthar is calling on people in Ireland to help people in Palestine this Easter by giving whatever they can afford.

The charity is asking the public for donations to provide immediate humanitarian aid through officially recognised UN and Irish Aid channels. Bóthar has spoken to an international NGO in Palestine, who like Bóthar, works with farming communities and families.

“As we saw food supply networks and farming collapse, we said that if Bóthar cannot help them grow food, then we will give it.”

Helping Farming Communities

“When peace returns to Palestine, Bóthar will continue to assist, helping farming communities to rebuild food production systems and income-generating crops.

“Any farmer understands how much a family depends on that end of season successful crop. We know that 10,000 farming families have lost their income because more than 24,000 acres of olives could not be harvested since last October.

“Recovery will take years, but for now the priority is simply to live,” Ms.O’Reilly appealed.

Updates Posted on Social Media

Updates on the campaign will be carried on Bóthar’s website and social media pages. All donations that include donor address details will receive an acknowledgement.

Cheques or Postal Orders may be sent to Bóthar, Regus Castletroy, Business Reply, Limerick, V94 Y6FD.

Donations for emergency aid for Palestine can also be made by phone on 1800 26 84 63 or online at Bóthar.ie.

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