Biddy White Lennon, Actress and Writer, RIP

Biddy White Lennon, Actress and Writer, RIP

She was, by a country mile, one of the best loved, well known and highly respected figures for a generation of Irish television viewers. Biddy White-Lennon, actress, food writer and critic R.I.P. People who didn’t have sets of their own went rambling on the Sunday night just before ‘The Riordan’s’ starting time. End of the…

Setting the Stage for 2014 Kerry Drama Festival

Setting the Stage for 2014 Kerry Drama Festival

Because of the Kerry Drama Festival week that’s in it I decided to rummage through the files and devote our ‘Friday Favourites’ slot to the event itself and to the people behind it.  While there, I picked out a rather random selection of photographs now qualifying for vintage status. The 27th annual Kerry Drama Festival…