College Fair Trade Innovators on Caint Chiarrai with Aimí

College Fair Trade Innovators on Caint Chiarrai with Aimí

Tune in to Radio Kerry this Sunday evening from 8-9pm and you’ll hear Caint Chiarrai with Aimí Ni Riada. Aimí, a past pupil of Castleisland Community College returned to her alma mater and interviewed the fifth year students for her weekly Sunday night programme. A Fair Trade Town The conversation was all about the students’…

Horse Fair Reminds Us of The Way We Were

Horse Fair Reminds Us of The Way We Were

Looking at the forecast and the weather itself for the few days after the annual November 1st Castleisland Horse Fair Day one can only thank God for the few days we got when it really mattered. Thank God that, for the good of the town, the weather obliged all through the Patrick O’Keeffe Traditional Music…

Kerry’s Young Fleadh Winners on Radio Kerry with Marian

Kerry’s Young Fleadh Winners on Radio Kerry with Marian

Kerry’s young singers and musicians did the county proud recently at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann in Ennis. Four All-Ireland title holders joined Marian O’Flaherty for a special live show on Radio Kerry last Sunday night on Caint Chiarraí. In studio were: John Power, Sliabh Mish CCE, All Ireland 12-15, 1st English Men Singing; Timmy O’Flaherty,…