Gaelscoil Aogáin Raffle Raises €1,650 for Palliative Care and Pieta House

Gaelscoil Aogáin Raffle Raises €1,650 for Palliative Care and Pieta House

Management, staff and the parents’ council at Gaelscoil Aogháin have expressed their delight in announcing that €1,650 was collected for the Palliative Care Unit at University Hospital Kerry and Pieta House through the school raffle. The draw took place before Christmas under the watchful eyes of the parents’ council and school staff. The results are…

Desmonds Juniors Going For League Title

Desmonds Juniors Going For League Title

Support for Desmonds in Junior Division 2 League Final The County Junior Division 2 League final takes place this coming Friday evening, September 2nd at 7pm in Finuge where the Desmonds play Ballydonoghue. We would be hoping to have a large crowd supporting the team on the night. Girls Wind Up Summer Training Desmonds U-6…