Lyme Disease Issue Raised in Europe – Ní Riada

Lyme Disease Issue Raised in Europe – Ní Riada

The Ireland South MEP asked the Commission for an update on Lyme Disease what work was being done at a European level to raise awareness of the condition. Most Common “Lyme disease is the most common zoonotic disease in Europe,”  said Liadh Ní Riada. “Due to it being a difficult disease to diagnose we can…

EU Tax on Turf – In the Bag, Rail or on the Flat

EU Tax on Turf – In the Bag, Rail or on the Flat

It took a while to get here even in this shrinking world of instant communications. A Ballymacelligott man and a former colleague of mine who now works in Strasburg kindly sent me a translated piece and a copy of the cover of an in-house magazine in which there’s a bit of an icy draught for…