Who will Rise and Follow Charlie on Poster Ban Issue ?

Who will Rise and Follow Charlie on Poster Ban Issue ?

                    In response to the Castleisland Tidy Towns appeal we carried in The Maine Valley Post yesterday on the issue of postering in the run up to the May 24th election, Charlie Farrelly has put a call out to his fellow candidates. Respect the Wishes “I…

Cllr. John Joe Culloty seeks your support in Friday’s Local Election

Cllr. John Joe Culloty seeks your support in Friday’s Local Election

Having been co-opted onto Kerry County Council in 2011, I have worked tirelessly on behalf of the people of the Killarney / Castleisland area. I feel very passionate about Community Spirit, and I am involved in many different projects. I would very much appreciate your support in Friday’s Local Election, which would give me the opportunity…