Lyme Disease Issue Raised in Europe – Ní Riada

Lyme Disease Issue Raised in Europe – Ní Riada

The Ireland South MEP asked the Commission for an update on Lyme Disease what work was being done at a European level to raise awareness of the condition. Most Common “Lyme disease is the most common zoonotic disease in Europe,”  said Liadh Ní Riada. “Due to it being a difficult disease to diagnose we can…

Locally made Lyme Disease Special to be Screened on RTÉ

Locally made Lyme Disease Special to be Screened on RTÉ

The powerful and highly emotive documentary ‘Living with Lyme Disease’ presented by Kerry native Brian Hurley and co-produced by James and David Pembroke from Farranfore will be broadcast on RTÉ ONE Television on Wednesday, October 18th at 10.35pm. The programme examines how a tiny tick bite can dramatically change people’s health and wellbeing. In conversation with…

Where did Lyme Disease Come from All of a Sudden

Where did Lyme Disease Come from All of a Sudden

Fadó, fadó I sat in a building site hut on Aughinish Island and watched a man dislodge what we called a Scirtán from a workmate’s back. His only qualifications for the job were his long fingernails, good eyesight and the fact that he smoked. While the island crawled with safety officers, there was no mention…