Economic Forum – An Afternoon of Inspiration – What Now?

Economic Forum – An Afternoon of Inspiration – What Now?

If it’s OK for us, as individuals, to declare that we’re not OK – and it’s strongly recommended by health professionals that we do just that, then it’s surely OK for us to say that our town is not OK and that it’s caught or is catching all the ailments bedeviling rural Ireland today. Great…

Castleisland of the Future – Economic Forum Set for September

Castleisland of the Future – Economic Forum Set for September

Castleisland Chamber Alliance will host an economic forum on Saturday, September 22nd in the River Island Hotel from 2.30pm to 5.30pm to discuss opportunities for the Castleisland area. Castleisland people at home and abroad are being invited to attend and contribute to an ideas pool for the future development of the area. High Profile Guests…