Invitation to ‘Crown’ a Great Kerry Footballing Weekend

Invitation to ‘Crown’ a Great Kerry Footballing Weekend

The Crown Bar on Castleisland’s Main Street will host a barbecue, live music and budget priced drink – while stocks last –  on this Sunday afternoon to coincide with big match TV coverage. The in form Kerry senior football team will take on Donegal in the Super 8 game in Croke Park and hopes are…

Model Agency Up Front on Tribute to Oscars and Vanity Fair

Model Agency Up Front on Tribute to Oscars and Vanity Fair

A photo shoot, which was inspired by Vanity Fair Magazine covers and the glamour of the Oscars, was conducted at the Ivy Leaf Art Centre here in Castleisland recently. Kerry Based Agency Kerry based Model and People Agency, Upfront Models produced the event and it featured many of their fashion and commercial model talents. The…

All The News from Cordal GAA Club

All The News from Cordal GAA Club

  Month’s Mind Mass for Tom Wrenn The Month’s Mind Mass for Tom Wrenn will take place on Friday week, April  22nd at 8pm in Cordal Parish Church. We invite all members to attend this mass for Tom. April Lotto The April Lotto has a huge €6,600 Jackpot. You can buy tickets as usual from our sellers and at…

Book ‘Waiting to be Written’ Reaches Launch Stage

Book ‘Waiting to be Written’ Reaches Launch Stage

If the word ‘Legend’ has any shred of its original meaning left, it can surely be applied in its organic, raw form to John Lenihan. The Ballymacelligott athlete has achieved everything he set his determined mind to in the course of a punishing if rewarding career in singlets of club and country. His high points…

It’s Time for Tennis

It’s Time for Tennis

Registration for membership of the Castleisland Tennis Club 2015 will be held at the courts tomorrow evening, Monday, April 27th from 7pm to 8pm. Membership is €50 for a family , €40 for an adult and €20 for juvenile U-18.  For the benefit of people new to the area: The local tennis courts are sited…

A National Heritage Week Special Photography Collection

A National Heritage Week Special Photography Collection

Because today is the start of National Heritage Week 2014 I thought I’d share a selection of old photographs that fell into my lap recently. Ned Sheehy and more recently, Gina McElligott passed these on to me and I’ve been burning the midnight oil scanning and putting whatever captions are available on them. I’ve often…

Average Wedding Day Spend Up – Survey Results

Average Wedding Day Spend Up – Survey Results

The findings of Ireland’s largest and most-comprehensive wedding survey were released today. In compiling the survey Mrs2be interviewed almost 2,300 brides and grooms to learn about their habits and attitudes towards getting married in Ireland today. Mrs2Be is an active online community for couples planning their wedding in Ireland or abroad. Their website provides regular doses…

World Book and PJ Day Action Captured at Cahereen

World Book and PJ Day Action Captured at Cahereen

I got a batch of great and fun-filled photographs from Cahereen Heights Childcare Centre. The photographs record the activity around World Book Day and ‘PJ Day’ – the latter which was held to raise funds for the Children’s Hospice Home Care Programme. We have the permission of the centre to reproduce the collection here. Cahereen…