Glountane Explosion Commemoration – A Century On

Glountane Explosion Commemoration – A Century On

A fine gathering, for the times we’re living in, as close to 40 people assembled at a beautiful, if lonesome spot on the side of a hill in Glountane in Cordal at around 8pm on Wednesday evening. The beauty of the location is immediately obvious to all, the loneliness dawns with the revelation that here,…

Glountane Explosion Commemoration 95 Years to the Day

Glountane Explosion Commemoration 95 Years to the Day

On this Thursday, June 16th. 2016 a wreath will be laid at the site of an accidental explosion at Glountane where Tom Fleming lost his life and a number of others were injured on Thursday, June 16th. 1921. The main speaker at the event will be well known historian, Martin Moore. This is part of…